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Since the company established, had insistedmarket-oriented,regard quality as the foundation stone, the management theory that it is guaranteed that regard serving as , is pursuing innovation constantly, dare to keep forging ahead, offer high-quality produ

1 Since the collapse of Enron, Wall Street investment banks have been ruthlessly enforcing regulations and holding their staff to the highest standards of business ethics. 已记 看解释
2 Since the colored spectra disappear when the grating is removed, it can be assumed that it is the specimen itself that is affecting the light passing through, thus producing the colored spectra. 已记 看解释
3 Since the company began to resrerch and make radiators in 80's last century,domestically advanced production lines have been adopted in the production.we sim at 100% conformity of heat impedance performance curve with the testing standards stipulated in S 已记 看解释
4 Since the company established , had relied on the most high-quality service and good business reputation to serve user all the time , the approval that has got support from the masses of users and of the same trade, portfolio is becoming more prosperous e 已记 看解释
5 Since the company established for more than ten years, had made the respect and bent on making progress, followed the tendency of the day closely in glass processing , craft , have introduced such a series of ambetti as the looks frame , mirror of the bat 已记 看解释
6 Since the company established, had insistedmarket-oriented,regard quality as the foundation stone, the management theory that it is guaranteed that regard serving as , is pursuing innovation constantly, dare to keep forging ahead, offer high-quality produ 已记 看解释
7 Since the company founded the factory , the constant open-up , superior service , rational price , handing in one accurately through oneself, welcome the support of numerous manufacturers , make the factory strengthen constantly. 已记 看解释
8 Since the company has been established more than twenty years ago, our company has constantly brought in and absorbed advanced technologies at home and abroad, and developed more than twenty series and one hundred varieties of products, which have been so 已记 看解释
9 Since the company has organized the continuously great effort to set up image, enhance well-known, develop the domestic and foreign markets, to bring both sides together,to supply ideas for the general enterprises. 已记 看解释
10 Since the company started to research the facture equipment of wide-screen album, with more than one years experiment, the once finishing photo machine which is the most reasonable price and the most applied gains success, it comes into the market with re 已记 看解释
11 Since the company started up , it persistence to pursuing the most rigorous test with the Good Quality, Persistent Innovation, Circumspect Serves , It has won the praise from most of the merchants. 已记 看解释

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