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Oh, you have a typical vaginal moniliosis.

Oh, yes. This is a traveler's check of four thousand. I'd like to cash this check, please. 汤姆:是的。这是一张四千元的旅行支票。我想把它换成现金。
Oh, you are living on Avon Street? That's a dead-end street, isn't it? 喔,你住在亚方街?那不是一条死巷子吗?
Oh, you flatter me. 哦,你过奖了。
Oh, you got up so early? Do you have breakfast? what do you eat? 38起的真早啊(早上见面是用)吃过早餐了吗?吃的什么?
Oh, you guys. Does this mean we're going to Disneyland too? 哦,你们俩。这是不是说我们也要去迪斯尼乐园?
Oh, you have a typical vaginal moniliosis. 噢,你有典型的阴道念珠菌病。
Oh, you know what I mean!Gimme those! 呕,你知道我在说什么!给我!
Oh, you know, they're all pretty much the same—long and narrow, a bit flat-bottomed, with a tall ornamental stem. 哦,你知道的啦,它们大都差不多——又长又窄,底部有点平坦,还有一个蛮高的装饰性的柱子。
Oh, you look beautiful today. 啊,你今天真漂亮。
Oh, you mean the place with golden street and pearly gates? Nope. That>s Hell. 你说的那个地方是不是有金子铺的街道和珍珠做的门?不,那是地狱。
Oh, you'll do it. It's a piece of cake. 噢,你办得到。这不费吹灰之力。

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