If the rain queen is still rain, if sorrowful be still sorrowful afterwards inviting bidding farewell after making us unhurried facing this bidding farewell.
如果雨后还是雨,如果忧伤之后还是忧伤.请让我们从容面对这离别之后的离别。 |
If the range is 50% to 100% then a torpedo could do from 1250 to 2500 points of damage.
如果他的范围是从50%到100%那么这个鱼雷可以损伤值可以达到1250到2500。 |
If the rate of fundamental education popularization promotes 1% in the country, the entire income of famers can increase by 10.25%.
农民教育的边际收益呈明显递增趋势,农村基础教育普及率每提高1%,可使农民整体收入增长10.25%。 |
If the reaction took hours and not seconds, the fuel costs would be prohibitive.
假如这一反应还需数小时而不是几秒钟,那么燃料成本就太高了。 |
If the received matrix is to be outputted to the first type of transform circuit, the first counter writes each matrix element in a particular dual port memory assigned to the quadrant of the matrix element.
假使接收的矩阵将被输出至第一型式转换电路,那麽第一个计数器将收到的每一个矩阵元素写入对应到某一矩阵四分之一象限的特定之记忆体。 |
If the received matrix is to be outputted to the second type of transform circuit, the first counter writes each matrix element in a particular dual port memory assigned to the evennessor oddness(i.e., divisibleness by two) of the row and column of the ma
假使接收的矩阵将输出至第二型式转换电路,那麽第一个计数器将收到的矩阵元素写入对应到矩阵单数或双数之栏与行的特定之双埠记忆体。 |
If the recipient refuses to make corrections, then upon the consent of the donor, the donated assets will be transferred by the people's governments at and above the county level to the care of a public welfare social body or a non-profit welfare administ
拒不改正的,经征求捐赠人的意见,由县级以上人民政府将捐赠财产交由与其宗旨相同或者相似的公益性社会团体或者公益性非营利的事业单位管理。 |
If the record player is equipped with an earth lead connect it to the GND terminal of the unit.
该电唱机如备有接地线,则应将它与本机的接地端子连接起来。 |
If the recorded size is larger than the actual file size,the end of the file may contain random data.
如果纪录的文件大小比实际文件大,文件的末尾可能包含随机(或翻译为胡乱的、错误的)数据。 |
If the recoverable amount of fixed asset is lower than its carrying amount due to continuing decline of market prices, technique obsolescence, fixed asset damage, or long-term redundancy of fixed asset in the end of the period, the difference between thos
文:期末由于市价持续下跌、技术陈旧、损坏或长期闲置等原因,导致固定资产可收回金额低于账面价值,按单项资产可收回金额低于固定资产账面价值的差额,提取固定资产减值准备。 |
If the recycled scoops from the SA8 powder Amway sold in 2001 were placed end to end, they would circle the world almost three times.
1若排列2001年安利销售的SA8洗衣粉之量匙,数量足以环绕地球三周! |