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We helped each other scores of years ago.

We held no directorship on the board and we do not work there. 在董事会中,我们没有管理职位,也不在这家公司任职。
We held on for two days in spite of the violent attacks of the enemy. 尽管敌人进行了猛烈攻击, 我们坚守了两天之久。
We held our breath in fear. 我们因害怕而屏住呼吸。
We help businesses globalize their product brochures/catalogues, corporate literatures, HR materials, websites etc to the native languages of the markets they would like to establish. 本公司将帮助这些企业将其产品宣传手册/目录、公司宣传册、人力资源材料、公司网站等等,转换成企业想要进入的目标市场的语言,以助其业务全球化。
We helped create nonpartisan global institutions like nato, the World Bank, the U.N. and the Marshall Plan. 我们协助创建了无党派的全球性组织,如北大西洋公约组织、世界银行、联合国和马歇尔计划。
We helped each other scores of years ago. 许多年以前我们彼此相互帮助。
We helped the farmer to grub for potatoes. 我们帮助农夫挖马铃薯。
We helped them do two rounds of financing for $5 million and $60 million and enabled the company to move to the AMEX. 我们帮助他们进行了两轮融资,分别募集资金500万美金和6000万美金,使他们能够进入美国证券交易所挂牌。
We here don't have group chat yet do we? If can have access to it how better funs, like also can chat with VIPs together too. 这里不仍然让小组闲谈的我们做我们?如果能使用它如何较好的乐趣,像也也能一起与贵宾闲谈。
We here report a case of SCC of the scalp arising from a patch of scarring alopecia secondary to chronic discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE). 我们在此报告一个在头顶慢性盘状红斑性狼疮结疤性秃发部位长出鳞状细胞癌的病例。
We hereby acknowledge receipt of USD16,533.44 in full and final settlement of our claim for Partial/Total loss/Damage and by virtue of such payment you become subrogated to all our rights and remedies in and in respect of the subject matter insured in acc 在此我们确认声明已无误收到货损赔偿金USD16,533.44,特此对于此款项你方可以接替承继我方所有理赔权益,根据合约投保条款及相关法律条文对货损事件予以执行!

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