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Soon the ropes was covered with blood and filth from her lungs and intestines.

Soon the mixture was doughy. 很快,混合物成了面团状。
Soon the mustard bottle is detonated, producing a muffled blast. 不久,芥子气瓶爆开了,爆炸声像是闷住了。
Soon the reporter exposed the whole event. 很快,记者暴露了整个事件。
Soon the romantic wild westhad ceased to be. 译文:不久,浪漫蒂克的西部荒原,便烟消云散了。
Soon the romantic ″wild west″ has ceased to be. 译文:不久,浪漫蒂克的“西部荒原”,便烟消云散了。
Soon the ropes was covered with blood and filth from her lungs and intestines. 很快,绳子上就沾满了血和肠肺里的污物。
Soon the skete grew into a monastery and a settlement developed around it. 不久僧侣团体在修道院得到发展壮大,而且在修道院周围集聚定居下来。
Soon the song became popular among young people. 这首歌很快在青年人中流行起来了。
Soon the truck come into sight around a bend and on an upgrade. 不一会卡车就出现在一个拐弯和上坡处。
Soon the whole city was in an uproar. The people seized Gaius and Aristarchus, Paul's traveling companions from Macedonia, and rushed as one man into the theater. 29满城都轰动起来。众人拿住与保罗同行的马其顿人该犹和亚里达古,齐心拥进戏园里去。
Soon the whole sales team started saving up stories, not just to brag, but to share. 很快整个销售团队开始积累成功经验,不是为了吹牛,而是为了分享。

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