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In fact, the way to make the most of a dominant allele (such as magic is proposed to be in the essay) is to have all individuals heterozygous rather than homozygous, as then there will be twice as many individuals in the next generation with that trait fo

In fact, the theatre sometimes shows from a laser projector rather than by using a real movie copy, especially for some films not easily available. 后来得知,这家影院还经常用镭射放映一些不轻易看得到的老片子。
In fact, the two go hand in hand. 事实上,理念始终与商业实践携手共进。
In fact, the unit test is example of real world. It's automatic and be controlled. The expanse has value. 实际上,单元测试正是现实世界的一个例子。这是自动的并且是被控制的。花费的代价是值得的。
In fact, the validity of monitoring depends on the institutional environment to a great extent. 其实,监督的有效性在很大程度上取决于制度环境。
In fact, the very admission of these limitations is a de facto admission of the need for more adequate theories, and this is notoriously against established interests. 事实上,承认这些局限性的事实本身实际上就是承认对更充分理论的需要,而正是这个违背了已经确立的利益。
In fact, the way to make the most of a dominant allele (such as magic is proposed to be in the essay) is to have all individuals heterozygous rather than homozygous, as then there will be twice as many individuals in the next generation with that trait fo 实际上,使显性基因等位体(如魔法基因在文中被认为是显性的)发挥最大作用的方式就是让所有的有关个体尽量杂生而不是同生,因为对于一定量的基因等位体,那便意味着下一代有着两倍的个体带有那种特性。
In fact, the willingness to experiment is one of the most striking features of China today, and it seems to be rooted in confidence rather than security. 事实上,积极实践是当今中国的显著特征之一,而它似乎根源于自信而并非安全.
In fact, their best method of directly contacting Chiang's troops was on the field of battle. 其实,他们直接接触蒋军的最好办法是在战场上对阵。
In fact, their opinions do not entirely conflict each other, the different unscrambles have provided abundant edifications for our cooperation security stratagem. 三大学派对国际安全合作的不同解读,为我们探索以合作促安全的安全战略提供了多层面的、丰富的启迪。
In fact, there are different accounts of the shipwreck in the neswpapers. 事实上,对于这次海难报纸上的说法不一。
In fact, there are more than 23,000 Chinese relics in the British Museum, including national treasures like gems, artwork and ancient bronze ware objects. 实际上,在大英博物馆有超过2万3千件中国文物,包括珠宝,艺术品和青铜器。

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