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The red and white tulip is very beautiful.

The recycle use of distiller's grains was realized by means of high-efficiency environment-protection and energy-saving alcohol fermentation technology as follows: distiller's grains dehydrated by crude complex enzymes, then it was filled into the ferment 摘要采用高效节能环保酒精发酵工艺,对酒糟用粗制复合酶重新水解,作为营养液加入拌料罐重新回收发酵。
The recycled dry nitrogen gas is used to purge the sample chamber and upper lid window surface of condensation. 循环的干氮气被用于排除腔体内的空气和吹扫顶盖窗口。
The red Border Collie, like the chestnut horse, is the result of a recessive gene pair. 红边就象栗色的马驹,是隐性基因对作用地结果。
The red and the white tulip are very beautiful. (这朵红色郁金香和这朵白色郁金香很美。)
The red and white shirts were all sold out. 红的和白的衬衫全都卖完了。
The red and white tulip is very beautiful. (这朵红白色的郁金香很美。)
The red and white upper clouds are particles of frozen ammonia. 最上面的是红白色的、由冻结的氨粒构成的云。
The red apple tastes sweet. 这个红苹果尝起来真甜。
The red brick arts of the traditional civil buildings in QuanZhou have a consummate technology and a profound moral, which made it, has high artistic value. 摘要泉州是中国首批历史文化名城,经过历史的沉淀,形成独特的红砖文化。
The red car is out of gas. 那辆红色轿车没有油了。
The red car is very good. 那辆红色小汽车很好。

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