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We are an outstanding insurance team of American International Assurance (AIA), a wholly-owned subsidiary of American International Group, Inc. (AIG).

We are an investment bank offering Private Equity Syndication, M &A, Fixed Income and Strategic Advisory services to corporates and funds. 印度安威斯是一家投资银行,为公司和基金组织提供股票、固定收入和策略咨询服务等。
We are an investment banking boutique specializing in Private Equity, Corporate Restructuring and Corporate Finance activity. 意大利神尼公司是一家投资银行业时装精品店,专门从事个人股票、公司再建设和公司的金融活动。
We are an investment holding company focusing on telecommunication, technology and media businesses with potential to produce superior growth.VenFin's aim is to become a global investment company. 南非艾木管理服务公司是是一家股份投资公司。我们的目标是成为一个全球投资公司。投资方向:有发展潜力的电信、技术、媒体业务等。
We are an offshore banking unit with an authorised capital of US$1,000 million. 我们是一家近海金融公司,拥有资本10亿美金。
We are an old established firm. 我们是老字号.
We are an outstanding insurance team of American International Assurance (AIA), a wholly-owned subsidiary of American International Group, Inc. (AIG). 美国友邦保险有限公司(AIA)作为美国国际集团(AIG)全资附属机构,是东南亚最大的人寿保险公司,提供多元化的保险服务。
We are an supplier of ceramic receiver for mobile telephone products. 求售:手提电话的陶瓷接受器.
We are anthill men upon an anthill world. 我们是一群蚂蚁,拥挤在蚁丘之上。
We are anxious and fearful. 我们感到焦虑害怕。
We are anxious for his safety. 我们为他的安全担心。
We are anxious to contact some British firms with a view to acting as their selling agents. 我们渴望与一些英国公司接洽,以期能成为其销售代理商之一。

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