Ms Parnigoni has spent the last six months applying a mud and cellulose pack on to the statue.
帕尔尼戈尼花了六个月时间把一个泥浆纤维填充物塞进雕像。 |
Ms Pelosi has promised to pass them within the first 100 hours of the congressional session.
佩罗西承诺在国会会期的头100个小时内,就能保证其得以通过。 |
Ms Pelosi is preparing to torment the president with some subtlety.
佩洛希女士正准备利用一些细枝末节的事情向布什总统发难。 |
Ms Pelosi says she thinks a compromise on eavesdropping is possible, if Mr Bush allows some kind of judicial review.
佩洛西表示如果布什允许司法审查的话,窃听问题有商量的余地。 |
Ms Pelosi, no centrist by inclination, did a good job of holding her troops to a moderate platform.
佩罗西女士,根本就不是中间派,却在政坛上让他的政党办演了恰如其分的角色。 |
Ms Philippines: Because it passes from mouth to mouth.
菲律宾小姐:因为它从一张嘴里传到另一张嘴里。 |
Ms Pur: Why is this thing here?
好奇咪:为什么这个东东在这里啊? |
Ms Pur: Why is water inside?
好奇咪:为什么这个东东有水在里面啊? |
Ms Rice is keen not to sharpen tensions (ship-boardings will apparently be few).
赖斯女士不想加剧紧张局势(很明显,船只运送的货物将会很少)。 |
Ms Rice just laughed and said she had no plans to run, but conservatives are determined never to let another Clinton call the White House home.
赖斯只是笑着说自己没有参加竞选的计划,但保守派成员们已经决定再也不能让另一个“克林顿”入主白宫。 |
Ms Rice said she planned to return to academic life. Before she became national security adviser during President Bush's first term, she was provost at Stanford University in California.
赖斯说她曾打算回到学术界。在布什第一任期内成为国家安全顾问之前,她担任过加州斯坦福大学的教务长。 |