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My uncle shook his head in disbelief. Do you realize what you've done?

My uncle is travelling in South America. 我叔父在南美洲旅行。
My uncle likes to go fishing. 我叔叔喜欢钓鱼。
My uncle prefers to drink water rather than drink tea. 我叔叔宁愿喝水而不愿喝茶。
My uncle sent me a large bundle on my birthday. 我生日时叔父给我寄来一个大包裹。
My uncle sent me this book. (我叔叔送给我这本书。)
My uncle shook his head in disbelief. Do you realize what you've done? 我叔叔疑惑地摇着他的头,“你知道你做了什么吗?”
My uncle sold me that land for a song. 我叔叔以极低的价格卖给我了那块土地。
My uncle used to commute ten miles to the city. 我的叔父过去每天要走10英里到城里去。
My uncle was hard driven by his boss. 当时,我叔父被老板逼得走投无路。
My uncle was selling vegetables at the market last summer. 我叔叔去年夏天在超市卖菜。
My uncle went to the United States long ago. 很久以前叔叔就到美国去了。

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