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The game was outright one-sided – the defending champion Vicky held the lead all along and beat her opponent 6-0, 6-0, 6-0.

The game was cancelled because of the rain. 比赛因为下雨而取消了。
The game was decided on a 5-4 penalty shootout following a scoreless draw after extra-time. 加时过后,双方互无纪录,需以十二码定胜负,结果美国以五比四胜中国。
The game was in Slovakia, the goal a header from a left-wing cross. 比赛在斯洛伐克进行,助攻来自左边路的传中。
The game was not important, a pastime for book bags. 这游戏没什么了不起,不过是书生们消遣解闷用的。
The game was not without major incident — Drogba having a goal disallowed for handball after much protesting by the Fulham players and William Gallas was sent-off late on. 比赛中有很大的变故——德罗巴的进球,在很多富勒姆球员的抗议下被判手球无效,加拉随后被红牌罚出场。
The game was outright one-sided – the defending champion Vicky held the lead all along and beat her opponent 6-0, 6-0, 6-0. 比赛彻底一面倒──卫冕冠军的维琪全场领先,以六比零、六比零、六比零击败对手。
The game was played in front of a vociferous crowd, with a packed press box and seven TV camera crews present. 这场比赛涌入大量观众,记者席上也挤满了,有七个电视摄影工作人员在场。
The game was unorthodox in the Yankees' eyes for other reasons -- their rotation of three first basemen, for one thing. 洋基有其他的理由认为,这场比赛在洋基的眼里是超乎寻常的,三个一垒手的先发,代表著一件事情。
The game was very popular and women were also participating. 当时这种游戏十分盛行,妇女们亦投入其中。
The game will be held on the aft recreation deck. 游戏比赛将在船尾部的娱乐甲板上进行。
The game will be in Miami. 此次比赛将在迈阿密进行。

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