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John: Good morning. This is John Smith in room 123. I'm getting ready to leave. Would you send a bellhop for my bags, please?

John: Can you show me some sweaters, please? 约翰:可以请你拿毛衣给我看看吗?
John: Do you have a toilet? 约翰:这儿有洗手间吗?
John: Do you have coke? 你有没有可乐?
John: Does that include insurance? 约翰:包括保险吗?
John: Don't wash that silk suit and tie in the washer! 约翰:不要把那套丝质西装和领带丢进洗衣机洗!
John: Good morning. This is John Smith in room 123. I'm getting ready to leave. Would you send a bellhop for my bags, please? 约翰:早安。我是一二三号房的约翰.史密斯。我准备要离开了。请派一个行李员来搬我的行李,好吗?
John: Ha ha ha. Good job, Einstein. 约翰:哈!哈!哈!做得好,爱因斯坦。
John: How about this one, Mary? 玛丽,这一个怎麽样?
John: How convenient! I'll take it. Do you have an installment plan? 约翰:真是方便!我买了。可以分期付款吗?
John: I am terribly sorry! What can I do to help? Here's some water to wash it off. 约翰:我真的很抱歉!我能帮上什么忙吗?这里有水可以把它洗掉。
John: I like this one. The Toyota Sprinter. 约翰:我喜欢这辆。丰田跑车。

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