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A file that must be present for an application to run, e.g. a DLL.

A file or directory attribute. Indicates that the file or directory cannot be modified or deleted, but a read-only directory may have its contents modified or deleted. 文件或者目录的只读属性。拥有该属性的文件或者目录不能被修改或者删除,但只读目录下的内容可以被修改或删除。
A file server could not be found. 文件服务器找不到.
A file system is two-dimensional: its space is defined by directories and files. 一个文件系统是二维的:它的空间被定义为目录和文件。
A file system that mediates access to files that are remote from the machine (perhaps linked by a network), and which may not use native machine formats. 远程文件系统,辅助主机(通过网络连接)访问远程文件,不能使用原生机器格式。
A file that is the externalised form of a main document and any embedded documents it contains. 文档文件:主文档或者任意嵌入其中的文档的外在文件形式。
A file that must be present for an application to run, e.g. a DLL. 必备文件,一个应用程序运行所必备的文件,如:一个DLL。
A file which is a collection of change records used to update a master file in batch processing. 在批处理中,修改主文件的全部修改记录的集合所构成的文件。
A file with this name exists already, please check $1 if you are not sure if you want to change it. 警告:已有同名文件存在!你确认要替换$1?警告:已有同名文件存在!你确认要替换$1?
A film about an unconventional, obsessed musician in an era of radical changes in Europe. 本片记叙了欧洲巨变时期这位非凡执着的音乐家的传奇故事。
A film completes this evening's TV line-up. 今晚电视节目最後播映一部影片.
A film crew was on location deep in the desert. One day an old Indian went up to the director and said, Tomorrow rain.The next day it rained. 一个电影摄制组在沙漠深处工作.一天,一个印度老人到导演跟前告诉导演说“明天下雨.”第二天果然下雨了.

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