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After the serious technical topic, we came into a trainee art PK stage.

After the second round of killings, the gunman killed himself, the police said. 警方说持枪凶手在第二轮枪杀后自杀。
After the second treatment, Agatha coughed and produced a tiny bit of yellow sputum. 第二次,她咳嗽了,并咳出一点黄色的痰。
After the separation day, how many does each other have to face to entice and the tender feelings? 分离后的日子,彼此要面对多少诱惑和柔情?
After the separation of political economy from political science, mathematical analysis was introduced into economic research on a large scale out of an aspiration for better methodology while political factors were increasingly weakened. 摘要政治经济学与政治学分离之后,出于对方法论进步的渴求,数理分析方法被大量引入经济研究,而政治的因素则日益淡化。
After the serious stroke,Edison became hard of hearing through all his life. 爱迪生受了严重的一击后,终其一生都听力欠佳。
After the serious technical topic, we came into a trainee art PK stage. 结束了严肃的技术话题,进入了实习生才艺PK阶段。
After the sermon, representatives from families presented flowers in memorial of their ancestors. 之后,家属代表插花纪念先人和张金祥弟兄带领为纪念先人之家属祷告。
After the ship sank the survivors fired off flares in the hope someone would see them. 船沉了之后,生存者升火作闪光信号,存著有人会看见他们的希望。
After the ship wreck, the transportation trust was in trouble up to the hilt. 沉船事故后,该运输公司(托拉斯)完全陷入了困境。
After the shipwreck of communism came years of relative quiet, years of repose, years of sabbatical - and then there came a day of fire. 共产主义垮台后,是一段相对平静、安稳、假日般的岁月,而后有一天,突然起了烽烟。
After the shock of their electoral defeat, the party really began to pull together. 该党在受到选举失败的打击之後,才真正地团结起来。

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