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The results showed that the melting ratio of silica flux decreases and the complete melting time prolongs with the size of silica flux and matte grade increasing, and the effect of the blowing air and oxygen enrichment is not remarkable in the high grade

The results showed that the lumen of small intestine was lined by the simple columnar epithelium, most of the cells were high columnar absorbing ones with abundant developed microvilli. 结果表明,中华鳖小肠黏膜上皮为单层柱状上皮,以高柱状吸收细胞为主,具有发达的微绒毛、线粒体、粗面内质网和膜包小囊泡,其结构的发达程度已接近高等哺乳动物和鸟类。
The results showed that the main factor affection the population scale in villages and township in Taichung County before 1975 was natural population growth and that after 1975 was population movement. 根据本文研究指出,台中县各乡镇人口发展趋势,在1975年以前人口自然增长仍是影响各乡镇人口规模的主要因素;1975年以后人口社会变动才逐渐取代人口自然增长,成为影响乡镇人口规模的主要因素。
The results showed that the main factors that have effect on the determination results are the concentration and consumption volumn of the standard titrate solution used for determination. 结果表明:影响测定结果的主要因素是测定使用的标准滴定溶液的浓度和消耗的体积数。
The results showed that the main microbes in the koji used in naturally fermented Liuyang brown bean were mainly molds and bacteria, and less counting of yeast and actinomyces. 结果表明:浏阳豆豉自然制曲成熟的曲料中主要微生物为黴菌类和细菌类,而酵母菌类和放线菌类数量不大。
The results showed that the mean air temperature and relative humidity in Pinus massoniana forest, broad-leaved and coniferous mixed forest, ravine rain forest, and mountain evergreen broad-leaved forest were 22.7℃, 80%; 20.9℃, 82%; 20.4℃, 87%; and 19.2℃, 结果表明:鼎湖山马尾松林、针阔叶混交林、沟谷雨林和山地常绿阔叶林的年平均气温和大气相对湿度分别为22.7℃、80%,20.9℃、82%,20.4℃、87%和192℃、81%。
The results showed that the melting ratio of silica flux decreases and the complete melting time prolongs with the size of silica flux and matte grade increasing, and the effect of the blowing air and oxygen enrichment is not remarkable in the high grade 对于高品位冰铜转炉吹炼,鼓入气体流量和氧浓度对石英熔剂熔化率影响不显著;熔剂粒度和冰铜品位对熔化率影响显著,并随着熔剂粒度和冰铜品位的增加,熔剂熔化率降低,完全熔化时间延长。
The results showed that the microstructure of ceramic tiles varied with different heating temperatures and cooling methods. 结果表明,在不同受热温度和冷却方式条件下,釉面内墙砖的显微结构会发生改变。
The results showed that the modification made interlaminar space of the montmorillonite greater, the addition of organic montmorillonite clay improved the mechanics properties of epoxy matrix, and when its content was 1%, the mechanics properties of epoxy 结果表明,改性使蒙脱土层间距增大,有机蒙脱土的加入改善了环氧树脂基体的力学性能,当有机蒙脱土质量含量为1%时,其弯曲强度、冲击强度等力学性能得到了最大的提高。
The results showed that the mount spacing can be varied to adjust the natural frequency of the rotational mode. 结果说明:改变隔振元件的间距能调整扭转振动的固有频率的大小。
The results showed that the n-butanol and chloroform fractions had a stronger inhibitory activity to fungal growth and the n-butanol fraction had a stronger inhibitory activity to the bacteria, so that it was surmised that alkaloids in Sophora alopecuroid 结果表明,正丁醇萃取部分和氯仿萃取部分对真菌生长有较强的抑制活性,正丁醇萃取部分对细菌亦有较强的抑制活性,推测苦豆子中的生物碱是主要的抗真菌成分,存在于正丁醇萃取部分的黄酮和三萜类配糖体等成分同时具有抗真菌和抗细菌活性。
The results showed that the new dictionary mechanism based on the two-word-bitmap could improve speed and achieve more efficiency in Chinese word segmentation. 实验结果表明,基于二字词检测位图表的分词词典机制有效地提高了汉语自动分词的速度和效率。

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