Q escribe your ideal career.
问:描述你的理想职业。 |
Q is for quality, quality matters more than quantity.
代表质,质比量更重要。 |
Q is for quality,quality matters more than quantity.
是质量,质量重于数量。 |
Q is for quality.Quality matters more than quantity.
代表质量.质量比数量更重要. |
Q | I was at the 2005 Olympia expo and saw displays promoting high-protein soups. What's your take on this?
问|我在2005年的奥林匹亚展览会上看到一种高蛋白汤在做促销演示活动。你对此有什么看法吗? |
Q :Any plans for a world tour? Is it possible to have concert in Asia territory?
问:有没有世界巡迴的计划?可不可能在亚洲区域举办演唱会? |
Q&A at each presentation.
每个议题之后都有提问与问题时间。 |
Q) Are hereditary, environment and will equal factors in aiding or retarding the entity's development?
问︰世袭的、环境的和意志原素对个体的发展或迟滞有相同的作用吗? |
Q) Can oneness be attained - or the finish of evolution reached - on any system, or must it be in a particular one?
问︰可以在任何一个系统中达到与道合一---或者完成灵魂发展,还是必须在某一个特别的系统中? |
Q) Does the game work in window mode?
游戏可以在窗口模式下运行吗? |
Q) How was this particular Great Pyramid of Gizeh built?
吉萨高地的这个特殊的大金字塔是如何建造的? |