Shatanyi, luggage bag, hardware tools, skateboards car manufacturing, processing (involving permits or special approval to operate with valid documents). |
中文意思: 沙滩椅、行李包、五金工具、滑板车制造、加工(凡涉及许可证或专项审批的凭有效证件经营)。 |
Sharpshooter(*): Sir, I don't want to die down here!
枪神:队长,我们可不想死在这儿! |
Sharpshooter(*): Sir, permission to assume sniping position.
枪神:队长,要求进入狙击位,请下命令。 |
Sharpshooter(*): Sir, request cover fire while I snipe!
枪神:队长,在我狙击时请给予火力掩护! |
Sharpshooter(*): They're... Turning humans into these things!
枪神:它们……它们竟然把俘虏的人类转变为眼前这些东西!! |
Sharpshooters will ignore 75% of targets defense, his shoot can throw target back by one tile.
剑吟者将获得每走一步得到2点额外临时防御的奖励。 |
Shatanyi, luggage bag, hardware tools, skateboards car manufacturing, processing (involving permits or special approval to operate with valid documents).
沙滩椅、行李包、五金工具、滑板车制造、加工(凡涉及许可证或专项审批的凭有效证件经营)。 |
Shaughnessy, T. W. (1996). The library director as change agent. In J. J. Branin (Ed), Managing change in academic libraries (pp. 43-56). Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press.
卢秀菊(民89)。英美编目规则之原则与未来发展。在李德竹编著,资讯科学与图书馆学专题论辑(页61-112)。台北市:文华。 |
Shaun Breslin, “Decentralisation, Globalisation and the Creationof Trans-National Economic Regions in the People's Republic of China”, Working Paper, Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Rregionalisation, University of Warwick, No.38 1999.
有关地区主义的历史与理论,参见俞正梁、陈玉刚和苏长和著《21世纪全球政治范式研究》,台北:雁山出版社,2003年,第5-19页。 |
Shaun Wright-Phillips is lined up as a target for Alan Pardew and West Ham.
肖恩·莱特·菲利普斯似乎成为了西汉姆及其主帅帕杜的冬季转会猎物。 |
Shaun Wright-Phillips looks comfortable.
小赖特拿球很舒适轻松。 |
Shaun Wright-Phillips played the final 16 minutes. Holland secured a 1-1 draw four minutes from time, the goal originating from a long throw by the prominent Arjen Robben.
赖特.菲利普斯在比赛的最后16分钟被换上场。荷兰在比赛的最后4分钟扳平了比分,而这个进球也要得益于罗本精准的界外球。 |