Various types of micronutrient malnutrition are important causes of disability in themselves and often underlie other type f morbidity.
据估计,在发展中国家的每年1220万5岁以下死亡儿童中,有660万人与营养不良有关。 |
Various types of programmable controllers can meet the needs of different users.
多种可编程控制器类型可满足不同用户的需求。 |
Various types of spells and items make things vanish, but in different ways.
能使物体消失的咒语和工具种类繁多,但是方法各不相同。 |
Various viscosity products are available according to customer ' s requirements.
可根据客户要求提供各种粘度规格产品。 |
Various: Having a variegated nature or appearance.
各种各样的:具有或由许多种类和形式组成的. |
Varjrapani asked: “Why is this dharma so wonderfully virtuous?” The Buddha said:” Because of the spiritual power of this Casket Seal Dharani.
金刚手言何因缘故。此法如是殊胜功德。佛言当知以此宝箧印陀罗尼威神力故。 |
Varshni, Y. P. Band-to-Band Radiative Recombination in Groups IV, VI, and III-V Semiconductors(I).Phys. Stat. Sol. 19 (1967): 459-514.
一篇完整描述在半导体中光学再结合过程的论文,主要强调放射性再结合。 |
Vary Scale and Scope of Designated Project in Part B.
更改B部的指定工程项目的规模和範围。 |
Vary the programmes you listen to.
改变你所收听的节目。 |
Vary the speed and pitch of your voice to avoid monotony and to make your presentation seem more dynamic.
语速要张弛有度,语调要抑扬顿挫,这样会使你的演讲更加生动活泼,避免单调乏味。 |
Varyag no longer has the nuclear reactors that were installed by the Ukrainian state-run Generating Systems of Crimea.
司令员的核反应堆已不再被装了乌克兰国营克里米亚发电系统. |