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Eiffler.” With a conspiratorial [2] grin on her face, Karen held up a wooden box filled with short pieces of chalk in every color of the rainbow.

Eidur Gudjohnsen insisted Chelsea will not be satisfied with the Premiership title and Carling Cup this season as they are targeting an historic treble - by adding the Champions League to their growing haul. 安德鲁.古德约翰森强调说:切尔西这个赛季不会满足于联赛冠军和联赛杯冠军,他们的目标是历史性的三冠王----如果能够将冠军联赛冠军揽入囊中。
Eidur Gudjohnsen is ill and will not play for Chelsea in tomorrow's FA Cup semi-final against Liverpool. 古德扬森病了,无法为切尔西出战明天对阵利物浦的足总杯半决赛。
Eidur Gudjohnsen, Chelsea's longest-serving outfield player after John Terry, made his fewest appearances for five seasons in the campaign just gone. 古德杨森是除特里以外队中最老资格的非门将球员,在上赛季他的出场次数为近五季的最低点。
Eiectric furnace and controller are integrate,convenient to operate. 电炉与控制器一体,操作方便。
Eiffel saw his Tower in the form of a serious object, rational, useful; men return it to him in the form of a great baroque dream which quite naturally touches on the borders of the irrational. 埃菲尔把他的塔看作是一种严肃物体的形式,理智的而且是有益的;人们将埃菲尔铁塔送入一个伟大的巴洛克迷梦的蓝图之中,在这里自然而然地触摸和感受到与非理性所划分的边界。
Eiffler.” With a conspiratorial [2] grin on her face, Karen held up a wooden box filled with short pieces of chalk in every color of the rainbow. 卡伦带着一脸阴谋者的坏笑,举起了一个木头盒子,里面装满了五颜六色的小粉笔头。
Eigenvalue sensitivity analysis has been widely used in power system dynamic studies and the controller designs, becoming an indispensable tool in power system small signal stability analysis. 摘要特徵值灵敏度分析已广泛应用于对电力系统中控制元件的选址和控制系统的参数设计,特徵值灵敏度已成为电力系统小干扰稳定控制设计时一个不可缺少的重要工具。
Eight Disciplines: There are Eight Subject Groups, Language A, Language B, Mathematics, Sciences, Humanities, Technology, Arts and Physical Education. 八个学科组:它们是:语言A,语言B,数学,科学,人文,技术,艺术和体育。
Eight abdominal hernias (5 inguinal, 2 incisional and 1 umbilical) were found during CAPD treatment (18.18%). 另一名因嵌塞性割口疝气合并肠坏死,在术后因败血症死亡。
Eight aspects related to the study of Early Precambrian metamorphic stratigraphy are dealt with in this paper: general situation of the study; complexity of the stratigraphy and difficulties of the study; thoughts and methods of the study; division of roc 摘要主要论述了与早前寒武纪变质地层(学)有关的8个方面的问题:早前寒武纪变质地层的研究概况;早前寒武纪变质地层的复杂性和研究难度;早前寒武纪变质地层研究的思路和工作方法;早前寒武纪变质岩石地层单位岩群、岩组和杂岩的划分问题;重要区域性不整合的研究;鉴定变质地层的原岩类型、岩石性质和恢复古环境;正确区分变质地层和TTG岩系以及其他变质深成岩;变质地层时代的确定。
Eight billion dollars is no small amount of money. It makes China sound like the global profit lode it is so often reported to be. 80亿美元可不是个小数目。它使中国听上去就像个全球利润矿脉,媒体就经常这样报道中国。

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