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But sympathizes with is top-down, the sympathyoften meant you do not have the heart, but also wants to help but notbe able to, this kind of emotion you think usefully?

But sun protection is not only about keeping your skin white, but also about protecting your skin from ultraviolet rays. 但防晒不只可以让肌肤保持白皙,还能保护你的皮肤远离紫外线。
But support needing you successfully, hold out being to need your strength's , believe that you may may eventually confide in us! 最佳答案:成功需要你的支持,而支持是需要你的力量的,相信你会总会信任我们!
But suppose the servant says to himself, 'My master is taking a long time in coming,' and he then begins to beat the menservants and maidservants and to eat and drink and get drunk. 46在他想不到的日子、不知道的时辰、那仆人的主人要来、重重的处治他、〔或作把他腰斩了〕定他和不忠心的人同罪。
But surely you realize you're doomed. 但是你会意识到你天数已尽了.
But svelte supermodel Kate Moss takes second place followed by US singer Beyonce. 紧跟其后的是名模凯特·莫斯,她同样拥有漂亮的身材。排名第三的是美国歌手碧昂斯。
But sympathizes with is top-down, the sympathyoften meant you do not have the heart, but also wants to help but notbe able to, this kind of emotion you think usefully? 而同情是自上而下的,同情往往意味着你于心不忍,而又爱莫能助,这种情感你觉得有用吗?
But synthetic biologists themselves are aware of the risks. 然而合成生物学家们已经意识到了这些风险。
But syphilis, a *ually transmitted disease (STD), seems more of a Chinese disease these days. 但是梅毒,一种性传播疾病,现在看起来更象是一种中国人的病。
But tacit collusion may still be beyond them. 但默契结盟还不止这些。
But take care that this liberty of yours does not somehow become a stumbling block to the weak. 林前8:9只是你们要谨慎、恐怕你们这自由、竟成了那软弱人的绊脚石。
But take diligent heed to do the commandment and the law, which Moses the servant of the Lord charged you, to love the Lord your God, and to walk in all his ways, and to keep his commandments, and to cleave unto him, and to serve him with all your heart a 书22:5只要切切的谨慎遵行耶和华仆人摩西所吩咐你们的诫命律法.爱耶和华你们的神.行他一切的道.守他的诫命.专靠他、尽心尽性事奉他。

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