Sadly, however, he has lost some of his lustre.
然而可悲的是,这位巴西的总统,已经不复往日的光彩。 |
Sadly, however, meaningful family time is too often pushed aside by the crushing demands of society.
可悲的是,然而具有意思的是;与家人相聚的时间经常被太多的社交活动而挤掉。 |
Sadly, however, the single-mindedness applied to the accumulation is rarely applied in the distribution.
但是很遗憾,他们经营慈善事业很少能像积累资产一样的执著。 |
Sadly, it is very difficult for giant pandas to survive in the wild.
令人伤心的是,大熊猫在野外很难生存。 |
Sadly, it was a pyrrhic victory.
不过,这次胜利代价不斐。 |
Sadly, it's not that easy.
可惜实际上没那么简单。 |
Sadly, many people-both men and women-place all their emphasis on managing their physical appearance and the impression they make on others.
很悲哀,许多人,包括男人和女人,将他们所有的注意力都放在强调身体外观给别人印象。 |
Sadly, progress on both pledges is weak.
不幸的是,这两个承诺都进展不力。 |
Sadly, seven years later, Palestinian and Israeli hopes for peace had deteriorated into an unrelenting cycle of violence. Efforts to revive the peace process faltered.
可悲的是,七年之后,巴勒斯坦和以色列的和平希望不但没有实现,局势反而恶化,转变成了无法缓和的恶性暴力循环。任何恢复和平进程的努力都失败了。 |
Sadly, some contracts are made to be broken.
可惜的是有些合约就是用来打破的。 |
Sadly, some people enshrine myths, weave them into an inviolable religious belief system, and defend them against all logic and at all costs.
可惜有一些人总要把神话神化,硬要把它当成是神圣不可侵犯的宗教教义的一部分,然后不惜悖逆常理去盲目地悍卫著它。 |