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Yet poverty, corruption and repression are a toxic combination in many societies, leading to weak governments that are unable to enforce order or patrol their borders and are vulnerable to terrorist networks and drug cartels.

Yet perhaps more important than the structural revamp were the cultural changes Mr Lafley brought in. 但是,雷富礼先生带来的文化变革或许比这种结构性改革更重要。
Yet perhaps the rational addiction approach is not quite as absurd as it seems. 然而,理性上瘾方法可能并没有它看上去那样荒谬。
Yet pleasure at your own can vanish if you learn that a colleague has been given a bigger one. 但系如果知某同事加人工仲多,你自己嗰份快乐就会唔知去咗边度。
Yet plenty of Tokyo folk take his straight-talking style as a mark of integrity, even if his clean reputation has recently been tainted by an expenses scandal and whiffs of nepotism. 但仍有许多东京居民把他的直言不讳看作是正直的表现,全然不顾近来缠绕其身的贪腐丑闻以及关于他任人唯亲的传言。
Yet political news was often related to economic and social problems. 然而政治新闻常常与经济与社会问题有关。
Yet poverty, corruption and repression are a toxic combination in many societies, leading to weak governments that are unable to enforce order or patrol their borders and are vulnerable to terrorist networks and drug cartels. 但贫困、腐败和压迫毒害了很多社会,导致政府衰败,无力维持秩序或巡防边境,使这些地方很容易被恐怖主义网络和毒枭所利用。
Yet private-equity firms and their advisers bristle at suggestions that they are borrowing recklessly. 然而,私募股权投资公司以及它的顾问们对那些认为他们在不顾一切的借贷这类的意见非常恼火。
Yet real per capita income grew, on average, by about 2% per year around the world. 但是,全球人均实际收入仍然以平均每年2%的速度增长。
Yet religious beliefs also migrate with people. 由于人们的迁徙,不同宗教信仰在各地都有。
Yet saith the house of Israel, The way of the Lord is not equal. O house of Israel, are not my ways equal? are not your ways unequal? 结18:29以色列家还说、主的道不公平.以色列家阿、我的道岂不公平麽、你们的道岂不是不公平麽。
Yet scientists have been able to piece together only the sketchiest outlines of that history. 然而,科学家至今仍仅能粗略拼凑出火星的历史。

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