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For the general heritability, maternal and cytoplasm heritabilities were the main components for palmitic, oleic and linolenic acids contents.

For the further development,comprehensively lets our product be rich,suits the market shift the need,presently honestly in vites the domestic and foreign general new old customers hand in hand to advance together,develops a broader market,communal develop 为了更进一步的发展让我们的产品更为全面丰富,更适合市场变化的需要,现诚邀国内外广大新老客户携手共进,开拓更广阔的市场,共同发展。
For the future prosperity , we are to carry forward our good experience of management and we are always ready to meet the challenge , to aim high and bring about brilliance for Kangqiang . 展望未来,我们将继续秉承这些优良的管理经验,迎接挑战,不断超越,再创康强的辉煌。
For the future, competition between nations will be increasingly based on technological skill. 在未来,国与国之间的竞争将越来越以工艺技术为基础。
For the future, there is a need for better culture conditions and more complete system of the drug toxicology research. 在今后的研究中,如何改善肝脏体外模型的培养条件及完善药物肝脏毒性研究体系是急需解决的课题。
For the game analysis of enterprise credibility, a game model has been established to resolve the credibility games of enterprises of different types and the conditions have been given for enterprises to run trustily under different strategies. 在企业诚信博弈分析的过程中,建立了相关博弈模型,解决了不同类型企业的诚信博弈问题,提出了纯策略和混合策略均衡下的诚信经营条件,并作了相关讨论。
For the general heritability, maternal and cytoplasm heritabilities were the main components for palmitic, oleic and linolenic acids contents. 棕榈酸含量和油酸含量是以普通狭义遗传率为主。
For the general multivariate linear model, in this paper, the necessary and sufficient condition for admissibility of the linear estimator for SXΘ in the class of linear estimator under different criteria is gained. 摘要对于一般未知方差多元线性模型,讨论了共同均值矩阵参数的可估函数SXΘ的线性估计在线性估计类中的可容许性问题,证明了在本文所给的不同优良准则下可容许性是等价的,并得到了它们的充要条件。
For the general reading, I don't need to pay attention and raise a brow to any trival thing; but as I am a translator, I simply can't ignore it.I have to reflect exact meaning of the work, no matter it is major or minor even trival, it is beauty or beast, 在一般阅读的时候,我只要知道大意,根本就不必为那些琐碎的不重要的事情费神;但是做为一个翻译作品,我就不得不面面俱到;毕竟翻译要忠实于原文,无论它是主还是次,是好还是坏,是美好或是邪恶.
For the generation that grew up during the feminist revolution and the rapid social change of the 1960s and 1970s, it at first seemed achievement enough just to make itin a man's world. 对在女权革命和1960和1970年代快速的社会变革时期成长起来的一代女性来说,一开始似乎仅仅能在男人世界中勉强达到目标。
For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance. 29因为神的恩赐和选召,是没有后悔的。
For the glory of the Imperium! 为了帝国的荣光!

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