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Don't fall in love with a womanizer who may not be on the level.

Don't fall asleep at the switch when the job is offered to you. 当你有机会得到这一工作时,千万不要掉以轻心。
Don't fall behind with the rent, or you'll be evicted. 不要逾期不缴房租, 否则会被逐出.
Don't fall for it! 不要上当!
Don't fall for the fair words of the door-to-door businessmen. 不要相信那些走家串户的生意人的花言巧语。
Don't fall for the wrong call, an 8-page, in-depth guide provides information on common tricks and charitable donation scams used by telemarketers, how to answer sales calls, warning signs of fraud, how to protect yourself from unwanted calls, your rights 大家万勿陷入此纇电话骗局,?本手册长达八页,针对一般利用电话行骗的手法或电话诈骗慈善捐款、如何接听推销电话、骗局预警、个人如何防範电话推销、个人法律保障以及电话推销员触犯个人“谢绝来电“权益等提供深入的指引。
Don't fall in love with a womanizer who may not be on the level. 不要与「沉溺于女人窝」里的男人谈恋爱,他也许不合你的水平。
Don't fall into the trap. 不要调入陷阱。
Don't fall sick because you are burning the candle at both ends. 千万不要病倒了因为在两头都耗费精力。
Don't falter in your resolve, or you will miss the chance in a lifetime. 别再踌躇不决了,否则你会错过这次良机。
Don't fasten the responsibility on him. 不要把责任推到他身上。
Don't fasten the responsibility ore him. 别把责任推到他身上。

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