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The baked food made from Hanxia Powder has special crisp flavor of protein, suitalbe for making salty food and additive.

The baiji relies on a highly developed sense of sound to locate food and swim around obstacles, rather like bats bouncing sound waves off distant objects to judge their location. 白暨豚依靠对声音的高度敏感定位猎物和障碍物,而不是像蝙蝠那样靠声波反射来判断远处物体的位置。
The bailiff said they would have been back earlier, but they had held off in order to enjoy a nice chicken dinner from Bentley's Restaurant at the county's expense. 法警说他们本来能早点回来的,但是为了在巴特利餐馆享受一顿公费提供的鸡肉大餐他们将时间延后了。
The bailiff was in charge of issuing a summons on the defendant. 法庭执行官负责向被告签发传票.
The bailiff was in charge of issuing a summons on the plaintiff. 法庭执达官负责向被告签发传票。
The bait hides the hook. 【谚】饵中必有诈。
The baked food made from Hanxia Powder has special crisp flavor of protein, suitalbe for making salty food and additive. 以汉虾粉制作的烘类食品具有蛋白质的特有香酥风味,适宜制作咸味食品及添加料。
The baker empty several bags of flour into a bin. 面包师把几袋面粉倒入贮藏箱里。
The baker gave the little girl one more bread to please her. 面包师多给了小女孩一个面包来取悦她。
The baker presented his bill. 面包师呈上帐单。
The bakers were putting the final, enticing touches to the mega-cake Sunday as the German Schumacher raced to his fourth world championship in the Hungarian Grand Prix. 这个诱人的超级蛋糕是在舒马赫在格林披治匈牙利站比赛,向他的第四个世界冠军迈进时最后完工的。
The bakery serves us with fresh bread daily. 面包店每天都给我们提供新鲜面包。

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