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Along that line, our policy is to expand multi-sided, bilateral and multilateral cooperation with countries and territories, with great importance attached to neighbouring and regional countries, major powers, economic and political centers, international

Along our consultant diagnose initially for the company. 随后鼎宏公司的顾问人员对该公司做了初步诊断。
Along outside of the front fence ran the country road, dusty in the summer time and a good place for snakes------they liked to lie in it and sun themselves. 篱笆外面是一条乡村路,夏季满是尘土,是蛇的理想之所——它们喜欢卧在那里晒太阳。
Along river a tape belong to yellow bonus Rang with ceremony brown earth, suit planting paddy, corn, barnyard grass, millet, sorghum, peanut, rape and wheat , Qiao son, beans kind and potato kind. 沿江一带属黄红壤和典棕壤,适宜种植水稻、玉米、稗子、小米、高粱、花生、油菜、小麦、荞子、豆类、薯类。
Along side the internationalization of fundamental human rights, women's rights have become an inevitable issue in the development of global human right theories. 摘要伴随着基本人权的国际化,妇女人权已成为全球人权论中不可或缺的重要议题。
Along side the mainline railway from Zhejiang to Jiangxi province, Hang-Jin-Qu express way and 330 national way going through,180Km away from ,Xiaoshan international airport.Lan aARive,Qu Rive,Wu Rive gathering here,you will find convenient traffic here. 公司紧靠浙赣铁路干线,杭金衢高速公路、330国道贯穿而过,距萧山国际机场仅180公里,兰江、衢江、婺江在此交汇,水陆交通非常便捷。
Along that line, our policy is to expand multi-sided, bilateral and multilateral cooperation with countries and territories, with great importance attached to neighbouring and regional countries, major powers, economic and political centers, international 沿着这条路线,我们的政策是扩大与各个国家和地区多边、双边合作,在遵守国家法和联合国宪章原则基础上,重视邻国和本地区国家,主要大国,经济和政治中心以及国家和地区组织。
Along the Rh?ne Valley, occasional strong, cold, dry, north-to-northwesterly wind known as the mistral. 罗讷山谷沿线偶尔会出现从北部吹响西北的干冷的强风。
Along the bank of Huangpu River, a 2,500-meters riverside boulevard has been built and there stands the world-famous Oriental Pearl TV Tower. 浦江沿岸的滨江地带,建成了2500米滨江大道,举世闻名的东方明珠塔就高高耸立在那里。
Along the beach there are always some nice view points, so we took the opportunity to ask people to take pictures for us. 沿着海滩,总有许多美丽的景点,因此我们有很多机会让别人帮我们拍照。
Along the coast of the vast Atlantic ocean there lived an old man. 在广阔的大西洋海岸住着一位老人。
Along the country road, there were many beautiful flowers, green grass and trees. 在小路旁边,有许多美丽的野花、绿草和树木。

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