I know I will fail if I bite off more than I can chew.
我知道我要是做超出能力所及的事就会失败。 |
I know I would love to kick Amare in the shins but I have character enough to not actually do it.
我知道我想照着小斯的胫骨来一脚,但是我的品质保证我不会真的这么去做。 |
I know I wouldntwantto lose Maggie, my collie, or Lucy, my Tabby cat, to a fire,carbonmonoxide poisoning or Lord knows what else.
我就不希望在火灾、一氧化碳中毒或其它灾难中失去我养的苏格兰牧羊犬麦奇和虎斑猫露西。” |
I know I'll need her till the stars all burn away and she'll be there.
我知道我需要她直到太阳燃尽他的能量,她还是在我的心里! |
I know I'll never set the world on fire, but I work really hard.
我知道我永不会做出惊天动地的事情,但我工作的确努力。 |
I know I'll spend time in Tennessee and mend some fences,literally and figuratively.
我想我会回田纳西州修修篱笆(喻为改善关系)。 |
I know I'm balding, so just leave the bangs long and 3)chop off the rest.
我知道我有点秃头,所以把刘海留长,其它的都剪掉吧。 |
I know I'm nearly sixty but oddly enough I feel as fit as I did at forty.
我知道我差不多60岁了,但奇怪的是,我觉得如40岁一样健康。 |
I know I'm ovulating right now. The ground is ready, I just need someone to plant the seed.
我知道自己现在正处在排卵期.大地已经成熟,只欠一个播种的人了. |
I know I'm probably six years to late... but will you give me strike one back?
我知道也许等了六年太久了,可你能再给我一次机会吗? |
I know I'm right about this scientific fact, and I defy you to prove me wrong.
我知道我对这个科学事实的看法是正确的,而我敢说你不能证明我是错的。 |