there would be less misunderstanding among people.
彼此之间就会少些误会. |
there's a windshield in my heart.
在我心中有块挡风玻璃. |
there's nothing wrong with me.
我精神很好. |
therefore he had to leave.
他犯了校规,为此不得不离校。 |
there’s some risk of fire in the forest.
森林有发生火灾的危险。 |
these photos in your performing arts section.
你这些表演艺术中心部分的照片。 |
they are installed free of charge by manufacturers.
将由厂商免费安装. |
they are made by rubbing the legs.
蟋蟀的鸣声不是从嗓 子发出的,而是通过 摩擦双腿发出来的. |
they are poisonous.
不要采那些色彩鲜艳的 蘑菇,它们有毒. |
they are the best matches in the world.
天地间完美的匹配----- |
they called it opportunity.
他们称它为机遇。 |