These same anti-inflammatory properties may explain why coffee appears to decrease the risk of alcohol-related cirrhosis and liver cancer.
这些同样可以抑制发炎的物质可以解释为什么咖啡可以减少与酒精相关的硬化和肝癌了。 |
These same factors are in place, are predominant, during the pole shift.
这些相同的因素在地极变换中是肯定会起突出作用的。 |
These same ideas can now solve the problem of connecting heterogeneous devices rather than heterogeneous networks.
想解决异质装置之间的连结问题,就得运用相同的概念,而非异质的网路。 |
These same publishers offer some of the most competitive offers and programs, some of which offer up to 75% commissions!
这些同样的发行商提供最有竞争力的职位与活动计划,(通过代销发行商的软件)有些职位可以提供高达75%的佣金。 |
These sandstone-and-conglomerate sea stacks were spared during the glacial sweep of the last ice age, but bear the effects of centuries of tidal erosion.
这些砂岩和聚成球形的海蚀柱是在最后冰河时代延伸冰期剩下的,而且承受了数世纪海潮腐蚀的效果。 |
These satellites go round the earth and help us to learn more about the earth, the weather and other things.
这些卫星绕地球运行,帮助我们更多地去了解地球、天气、和其他事物。 |
These satellites go round the earth and help us to learn more about the earth.
这些卫星围绕地球转,帮助我们更多地了解地球. |
These satellites make up the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE), a joint effort by NASA and the German Aerospace Center.
这两颗卫星组成了「重力反演与气候实验」(GRACE),是一项由美国航太总署和德国航太研究中心合作的计画。 |
These scenarios reflect three conflicting world views and set out three different trajectories for the next half century for the globe as a whole and, separately, for each of seven major continental-scale regions.
本文所论及的几种发展模式表明了三种互相矛盾的观点,并为下半个世纪全球及七大洲分别确定了三条不同的发展路线。 |
These scenarios will soon move from the realm of science fiction to science, as advances in biotechnology expand the potential of umbilical cord blood to cure diseases that once were fatal.
生物科技的进步,提升了脐带血治疗致命疾病的潜力;不久之后,上述情节就会从科幻小说走进真正的科学。 |
These schedules can be activated by setting the Day Type field in the Design Day object to the appropriate season (SummerDesignDay for cooling design calculations; WinterDesignDay for heating design calculations).
因而,你可以在工作日时间表设定对应的人员密度,而在周末时间表中设置不同的人员密度。 |