Mild-mannered people don't loot, plunder , rape or kill people, no matter how economically-chall enged they are.
温和的守规矩人不会抢劫,强暴,杀害他人,不管那些人在经济上多么有挑战性。 |
Mildew ...Powdery mildew is an airborne fungal disease. African violets and Begonias are particularly succeptible.
霉...粉状霉点是通过空气传播的真菌疾病,非洲紫罗兰和秋还棠最容易被感染。 |
Mildew Resistance (Method 5762) : has good mildew resistance.
防霉:具有良好的防霉性。 |
Mildew and mushrooms are fungi.
霉和蘑菇都是真菌。 |
Mildew stains mark the pale blue walls of the three-room residence, which is no larger than 430 square feet.
这间三房的居所暗蓝的墙上是霉污的印记,房屋面积小于430平方英尺。 |
Mildewed[ hum, have the big ear enough on that your head!
霉[哼,那你头上够有大耳朵啦! |
Mildly removes old keratin, softens skin, increases skin flexibility, improves dullness and enhances moisture-retaining ability and luster of the skin.
温和去除老化角质,使肌肤柔软、增加皮肤弹力、改善暗沉光泽,加强肌肤的保水度与光泽。 |
Miles : It grows in office time.
麦尔斯:头发是在上班时间长的。 |
Miles and miles of prairie, slowly rising and falling, sometimes give you a sense that something is in the process of becoming, or that the liberation of a great force is imminent, some power, like Michelangelo's slave only half released from the block of
连绵不断的大草原徐徐起伏,有时会让你觉得有什么东西正在生成,或是即刻将有伟力释放,某种力,一如米开朗琪罗的奴隶雕像只浮现半个身形。 |
Miles cannot separate me from the man I love. Although face-to-face communication is few and far between, his heart still finds ways to speak to me.
相隔万里并不能把我爱的人与我分开。尽管我们之间面对面交流的机会很少,但他的心总会找到方向与我对话。 |
Miles of hidden tunnels behind the cliffs were built during the Dark Ages, and played a role in the defense of Britain during the Napoleonic Wars.
悬崖背后是建于黑暗时代(约公元376年-1000年:翰唐注)连绵纵横的地下隧道,这些隧道曾在拿破仑战争时期为保卫英国发挥了一定的作用。 |