In a split second, Jack made a decision that would change his life.
就在一瞬间,杰克做了一个改变一生的决定。 |
In a sport where the bullseye looks about the size of the full stop at the end of this sentence, a sport where shooters compete amid a cacophony of noise and still concentrate on firing between heartbeats.
在一种充满各种刺耳噪音且靶心看上去只有句号大小的体育运动中,射击选手们仍能聚精会神地专注于在每次心跳瞬间弯曲手指、扣响扳机。 |
In a square-section desulfurizing CSB, in order to overcome the defects mentioned above and to improve the desulfurization efficiency, the wedge-type internals were symmetrically mounted at the middle of the height of the riser.
今在过去实验的基础上,利用方形截面床内构件简单易实现的优点,在床中部安装对称构件,考察对称内构件对两相流动行为的影响。 |
In a startling discovery, Mistletoe sold on last year's vendors is now named Fake Mistletoe. A Smokywood Pastures spokesman was quoted as saying, Sorry, no refunds.
去年商人出售的槲寄生现在名字改为“仿造的槲寄生”,烟木农场的代表人会告诉你:“一经售出,决不退货”。 |
In a startling turnaround, breast cancer rates in the US dropped dramatically in 2003, and experts believe it's because many women stopped taking hormone pills.
非常惊人的改观,2003年乳腺癌率在美国大幅度下降,专家认为这是因为很多女性停止服用荷尔蒙药丸。 |
In a state of purity and tranquility, when things become clear, our life also becomes transformed.
在安定清净的状态中,自己明白了,生命也就转换了。 |
In a statement aired on Russian state television, Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov also said it is important to avoid what he termed “uncompromising positions on the nuclear issue”.
在俄罗斯国家电视台播放的评论中,俄罗斯外长S.L.也声明避免他所描述的核问题上的不妥协位置很重要。 |
In a statement last month the Vatican said it took into account all of the circumstancesof the Archbishop's life including those regarding his pastwhen it appointed him.
教廷上周发布声明称,宣布任命时已详尽考虑主教一生“所有际遇,包括他的过去”。 |
In a statement on its website, it's said a 19-year old soldier in the People's Liberation Army is receiving treatment at an army hospital, having been diagnosed with the H5N1 strain of bird flu on May 18th.
卫生部官方网上的一份声明表示,一位19岁的人民解放军士兵在5月18日被诊断为患有H5N1禽流感,他正在一所军队的医院中接受治疗。 |
In a statement posted on its Internet website, the zoo on Wednesday sought to defend itself from fresh criticism.
这家动物园星期三在它的网站上发表声明,反驳同性恋组织近日对他们的批评。 |
In a statement released Friday , the ministry said the British boarding party had just completed an i ection of a merchant ship.
英国国防部星期五发表声明说,当时英国登船检查小组刚刚完成对一艘商船的检查。 |