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According to the need for design and construction of prestressed reinforced concrete of Jingzhou Yangtze River highway bridge, C60 conctrete was mixed with superfine admixture and high workability agent, then it was speeding up construction progress for t

According to the museum, it is the biggest of its kind in Germany and one of the five biggest in the world with more than 30 million objects in its zoological, palaeontological, geological and mineralogical collections and with its exhibition halls with a 馆方说,这是德国首见最大的展览,也是全世界五大展览之一,共将展出逾3,000万件动物学、古生物学、地质学及矿物学收藏品,展览馆总面积约6,500平方公尺。
According to the national basic standards for grading medical institutions, hospitals (except convalescence hospital), women and children care center (station), and disease prevention and cure center (station) in Shanghai shall be graded into three grades 根据国家医疗机构基本标准的分级规定,本市医院(除康复医院外)、妇幼保健院(所)、疾病防治院(所)分为三级、二级和一级3个等级。
According to the national related industry investment fund policing method stipulation, the industrial fund is one kind has not carried on the stockholder's rights to the going on the market enterprise to invest and to provide the set investment system wh 根据国家有关产业投资基金管理办法的规定,产业基金是一种对未上市的企业进行股权投资和提供经营管理服务的利益共享、风险共担的集合投资制度,即通过向多数投资者发行基金份额设立基金公司,由基金公司自任基金管理人或另行委托基金管理人管理基金资产,委托基金托管人托管基金资产,从事创业投资、企业重组投资和基础设施投资等实业投资。
According to the natural characteristics of Maowusu desert, insisting crop plantation animal husbandry should be mainly insisted with the innovation of science and technology. 5 kinds management patterns were developed for animal husbandry and in order to 摘要根据盐池县毛乌素沙地自然特点,坚持以发展种植业、畜牧业为主线,以科技创新为动力,开发出5种毛乌素沙地草地畜牧业经营模式并进行示范,以扩宽增加农民经济收入渠道,促进区域经济的发展,实现生态环境、经济、社会的协调发展。
According to the ned of the other projects in Yangkou Port and the outer market, and the planning of the 10,000,000 tons refinery project, the ethylene project is planned 1,000,000 tons. 规划依托洋口港建设乙烯项目,根据化工园区其它项目对乙烯的需求和外部市场的需求以及1000万吨炼油项目的规划,确定乙烯装置的能力为100万吨。
According to the need for design and construction of prestressed reinforced concrete of Jingzhou Yangtze River highway bridge, C60 conctrete was mixed with superfine admixture and high workability agent, then it was speeding up construction progress for t 摘要根据荆州长江公路大桥预应力混凝土结构设计、施工要求,采用掺入超细掺和料和高能外加剂配制C60混凝土,长距离、大高度泵送混凝土,为大桥建设加快进度,确保质量起到了作用。
According to the need for economic analysis selecting the virtual enterprise partner, this paper put forward a new type of method that determines partners type by the project development stages and the superiority resources provided by partner, and on th 根据企业动态联盟伙伴选择经济分析的需要,提出了一种新的按项目开发阶段及提供的优势资源的特征确定伙伴类型方法,并在此基础上提出了企业动态联盟伙伴选择经济分析的两种方法。
According to the need of design code for anti-seismic of engineering constructure, the bedrock peak acceleration rate and response spectrum of exceeding probability of 63%, 10% and 2% are given respectively and seismic motion parameters are also calculate 按工程建筑物抗震设计规範要求,分别给出了50年63%、10%和2%超越概率水平的基岩峰值加速度及反应谱,计算出地震动参数,为该电力设备站建设提供了抗震设计依据。
According to the needs for being successful talents of foreign trade, non-specialized quality extending courses will be opened to intensify the training from a wide range of concept, moral character, knowledge, method and ability, which includes that trai 针对成功外贸人才素质要求,开设非专业素质拓展课程与训练项目,从成功人才的观念、品格、知识、方法、能力等方面强化训练,包括开展敬业、拼搏、创新精神的训练,进行人格、毅力、诚信、团队合作方面的培养,在人际沟通、表达能力、谈判技巧、观察能力、方案策划、商务礼仪等方面开展素质拓展训练。
According to the network characters of electronic supply chain, the essay studies the general logistics flow of manufacturers, and then puts forward a reference model of enterprise logistics information system based on logistics flow of major manufacturer 根据电子供应链的网络环境特点,在研究制造业企业物流一般流程的基础上,根据主、辅制造商物流流程,提出企业物流信息系统的参考模型结构设计。
According to the new criterion for Classification of Oil and Gas Resources/Reserves (GB/T19492-2004) issued in 2004, this paper reviews the studied methods at home and abroad for the purpose of establishment of new series of recoverable reserves such as t 摘要按照2004年颁布的新的《石油天然气资源/储量分类》(GB-T19492-2004)标准,为了建立和形成油气田技术可采储量、经济可采储量、次经济可采储量和剩余经济可采储量等新的可采储量系列,在总结国内外研究方法的基础上,结合油田的地质开发特点,根据我国现行的财税制度,以现金流法为主要方法,进一步研究提出了经济极限法、井网密度法、边际成本法、类比法等经济可采储量计算方法。

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