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Home theater audio/video cable, game cable, power cord cable, professional stage audio &video cable, car audio&video cable, computer accessory cable, high-speed network data cable, optical cable.

Home is where my tears are gently dried. 家是让我的眼泪轻轻风干的地方。
Home oral hygiene is probably the most effective way to reduce accumulations of debris and bacteria that lead to halitosis. 家庭口腔卫生大概是减少导致口臭的残骸和细菌的储积的最有效的方式。
Home page setting now allows setting current, default, or user defined. 该版本支持设置通用,默认和自定义主页。
Home roasting is simple, and allows the average coffee lover to experiment with different bean types, roasts, and blends, to suit their own personal preferences. 家庭烘焙咖啡很简单,允许一般咖啡爱好者试验用不同的豆类型、烘烤和混合,来适合他们自己的个人爱好。
Home sales and residential construction are tumbling, the overhang of unsold homes has soared and, according to some statistics, house prices have started to slide. 家庭购买与住宅区的建设止步不前,卖不出去的房子大量积压,一些调查数据还表明,房价开始悄然下跌。
Home theater audio/video cable, game cable, power cord cable, professional stage audio &video cable, car audio&video cable, computer accessory cable, high-speed network data cable, optical cable. 家用音视频、射频、游戏机、电源线系列、专业舞台音视频系列、汽车音视频系列、电脑周边产品用线系列、高速网络用线系列、家用音频及网络用光通讯周边用线系列产品。
Home therapy should only be undertaken if you have already been diagnosed with vertigo and are under the close supervision of a doctor. 如果你已被诊断为眩晕,你就可以在医师的适度监督下,自行在家中作自我照护。
Home to a diverse4 community5 of creatures, coral reefs are underwater treasure chests of color and activity. 珊瑚礁内聚集了各式各样的生物,像是充满瑰丽色彩和丰富活动的水下百宝箱。
Home to several of the world's top experts in their business fields, Kellogg is also a research leader in areas of management economics, the science of decision making, microeconomic and response (game) theory. 管理经济学与决策科学系在微观经济理论和对策论(又译博弈论)方面的研究在全美也是首屈一指,该系的爱杜·凯莱教授是其中的代表性人物。
Home to the country's oldest national park, Banff's picturesque mountains, lakes and glaciers prove that there is more than just white in the Great White North. 作为加拿大历史最悠久的国家公园,班芙优美的湖光山色、崖壁冰河构成了北美独一无二风景线。
Home to the famous music show, Music Camp,in which BoA performed several songs, MBC will be having a concert to commemorate their entrance. 在著名的音乐节目《音乐露营》中,宝儿将表演自己的歌曲。MBC将举行演唱会来纪念他开拓美国市场。

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