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Then there is the question of multiple births, when several embryos are implanted in the womb in the haphazard hope that one, two or more might take.

Then there is the MBA student's desire for dramatic change. 于是,MBA学生开始渴望出现巨变。
Then there is the Web Ontology Language (OWL), which provides a way to characterise objects. 接着就是开发万维网实体论语言(OWL),这种语言为给对象定性提供了解决方案。
Then there is the government. 接下来是政府。
Then there is the latest spasm of transatlantic distrust over America's planned missile shield in Europe. 美国在欧洲的导弹防御计划引发了最近一次两岸间的互不信任。
Then there is the massive fiscal stimulus to the US economy from tax cuts and spending increases. 接着是减税和增加支出给美国经济带来了巨大的财政刺激。
Then there is the question of multiple births, when several embryos are implanted in the womb in the haphazard hope that one, two or more might take. 于是,当多个晶胚被植入子宫,希望侥幸“收获”一胞胎、两胞胎或者多胞胎的时候,就有了多生的问题。
Then there is the sale's timing. 再者是出售的时间选择问题。
Then there is the tiresome business of trying to make what is subjective into something that can be measured objectively. 然后就是那种试图将主观问题转换成可以进行客观衡量的无聊工作。
Then there was a room where we learned how to walk, how to kneel, (and) how to bow. 另一间里则用来练习如何走路、下跪和鞠躬。
Then there was a sequel to Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls which didn't quite recapture the sparkle of the original. 然后是《艾丝·温图拉》续集:《当自然召唤时》,该片未能再现原著的精华。
Then there was a sudden spurt during the industrial revolution which produced, between 1900 and 2000, a near-quadrupling of the world's population. 随后由于工业革命的原因,世界人口出现了爆发,从1900到200年间,几乎增长了4倍。

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