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That's why I'm ringing you up to apologize.

That's why I put in a valley, splitting the massif into two smaller mountains. 这就是我为什么要加进一个山谷,开裂的山丘和两座小山。
That's why I suggest starting on a small account just to see how you emotionally react by trade number 20 of a losing streak. 这就是为什么我建议大家从交易小账户开始,看看在情绪上对连输20个交易的反应是怎样的。
That's why I want you to work there. 那就是我要你在那儿工作的原因。
That's why I'm determined to devote all my life to real education! 这就是我决心献身真正的教育事业的原因!
That's why I'm reading my paper and having my coffee on the patio this morning. 这就是今天早上为什麽我要在院子里看报纸喝咖啡。
That's why I'm ringing you up to apologize. 所以我打电话向你道歉。
That's why I'm so interested in your textile operations. 你总是应该在某种程度上把你的回答和该工作的要求联系起来。
That's why I've picked David. 这就是我为什么招回大卫的原因。
That's why McDonald's, Pizza Hut and Kentucky, appear like mushrooms in China. 这也就是麦当劳、比萨客、肯德鸡象雨后春笋一样冒出来的原因。
That's why a lightning bolt striking an airplane is unlikely to take the airplane down; the aircraft will distribute the electric charge over its entire surface, protecting what's inside. 这就是为什么闪电击中飞机,飞机不会掉下去,飞机将电荷分布到整个飞机的表面,保护了内部。
That's why all the stupid pages like this one are in yellow, so that their eyes hurt too much to waste too much time on the nuts and bolts. 这也是为什幺我那些蠢弊了的网页,好比这一个,都是用黄色的,这样才能重伤那些花太多时间在技术细节的白痴们的眼晴。

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