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The thumb through the loop, the bundled silk hanging from the other end of the loop.

The thugs forced him into a street corner and beat him black and blue. 那些流氓把他逼到一个街角,把他打得青一块、紫一块的。
The thugs gave him a real going-over. 那帮流氓把他著实打了一顿.
The thumb can be opposed to any of the fingers. 大姆指能和任何一个拇指对到。
The thumb girl floated on the water for a long time. A dorbeetle flied towards her, using his strong thigh to bring the thumb girl away. 拇指姑娘在水上漂了好久,金龟子飞了过来,用他那粗壮的大腿把拇指姑娘带走了。
The thumb is opposable to the forefinger. 大拇指可与食指相对。
The thumb through the loop, the bundled silk hanging from the other end of the loop. 透过环(回路)这个大拇指,捆(包)丝绸从环(回路)的另一个末端悬挂。
The thunder claps really scare the children. 打雷(的声音)真的会吓坏小孩子的。
The thunder crashed. 雷声隆隆.
The thunder growled in the distance. 雷在远处隆隆地响.
The thunder panicked the horse. 雷声使马受惊了。
The thunder rumbled in the distance. 远处雷声隆隆。

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