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Effects of isotretinoin on the treatment of verruca planae

Effects of earthworm(Eisenia foetida)on available Pb and Zn in three soils 赤子爱胜蚓(Eisenia foetida)对三种土壤Zn、Pb有效态含量的影响
Effects of egtazic acid and calcimycin on synthesis of DNA and collagen in cultured human lung fibroblasts 依他酸和卡西霉素对人胚肺成纤维细胞脱氧核糖核酸和胶原合成的影响(英文)
Effects of genistein on repopulation of mouse jejunum crypts and expression of TGF- and EGF-R Genistein对小鼠小肠上皮细胞照射后再增殖和TGF-α、EGF-R表达的影响
Effects of human coital activity on plasma levels of reproductive hormones 人类性交活动对生殖激素水平的影响
Effects of infrasound on the pallial lipid peroxidation in rats 次声作用对大鼠大脑皮层脂质过氧化的影响
Effects of isotretinoin on the treatment of verruca planae 口服异维A酸治疗扁平疣疗效观察
Emanating phyphae is .8-. μm in diametes, -00μm in length, has mycelium septate, but no branch or Clamp connection. 外延菌丝长度约~00μm,直径约.8~ μm,有分隔不分支,未见锁状联合。
Embolic agent was NBCA. 血管内栓塞剂为 NBCA,栓后显微外科手术切除 .
Embolic Doppler ultrasound signal detection based on the principal component analysis 基于主元分析的超声多普勒栓子信号检测
Embryo absorption,meningo encephalocele and spondylous dysplasia were appeared in some fetal mice following inhalation exposure. 部分胎鼠表现为胚胎被吸收、脑膜脑膨出、椎骨发育不全等。
Embryology of Gentiana striata (Gentianaceae) 条纹龙胆的胚胎学研究(英文)

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