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A day after Saddam's execution, a 10-year-old boy in Texas hanged himself from a bunk bed(8) after watching a news report on the execution.

A database supplied by American Geological Institute and dealing with earth sciences. 由美国地质学会提供的一种数据库,用于研究地学。
A dataset of two drifters in South China Sea was analyzed, together with the MSLA, Ekman drift, and mean sea surface height. 摘要分析浮标漂流速度和表层地转流、风海流结果表明:浮标漂流速度和表层地转流具有良好相关性。
A daub, as of color. 涂料涂料,如颜料
A daunting number of hours as a fighter pilot - better yet, a test pilot - which was why he was going into the Air Force after graduation. 还要求作为一个战斗机驾驶员--最好是试飞员--的惊人的飞行时数,这就是他为什么要在毕业后进入空军的缘故。
A day after Pakistani commandos killed the last Islamic militants barricaded inside the Red Mosque complex,the army guided journalists around the shattered masonry and blackened interiors Thursday amid lingering questions over how many civilians died. 在巴基斯坦军队杀死最后一名躲在红色清真寺的伊斯兰武装人员之后,军队周四在毁坏烧焦的废墟里召开新闻发布会,但是他们对有多少平民死亡这个问题闪烁其辞。
A day after Saddam's execution, a 10-year-old boy in Texas hanged himself from a bunk bed(8) after watching a news report on the execution. 萨达姆被行刑后第二天,德克萨斯州一10岁男孩看过新闻后在双层床中上吊致死。
A day after the funeral, agents of Warlord Yen Hsi-shan arrested him and shipped him off to the provincial capital at Taiyuan where he was thrown with a number of students into a special jail for Communists. 丧事完后的第一天,军阀阎锡山的特务把他逮捕了,押送到省城太原,和一些学生一道,投入一座专门关押共产党的监狱。
A day after winning his third world floor title the 26-year-old from Bucharest took his third vault gold with a combined 16.487 after two jumps. 在摘取世锦赛自由体操冠军后一天,来自布加勒斯特的26岁老将,以两跳后的总成绩16.487获得他的第三次跳马冠军。
A day after winning the rights to negotiate with Japanese left-hander Kei Igawa with a $26,000,194 bid, the Yankees remained focused on acquiring another starting pitcher to go with him. 在以26,000,194美元取得日本左投井川庆的交涉权次日,洋基仍然把焦点放在取得另一位先发投手。
A day earlier, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon shook hands with Pakistan's President Musharraf. 星期三,以色列总理沙龙和巴基斯坦总统穆沙拉夫握了手。
A day goes through daybreak, morning, noon, afternoon, evening and midnight. 一天经过坲晓,上午,正文,下午,傍晚和午夜。

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