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China's copyright regime including Regulations for the Implementation of the Copyright Law and the Provisions on the Implementation of the International Copyright Treaty would be amended so as to ensure full consistency with China's obligations under the

China's coastal cities attracted international traders, missionaries and adventurers for 200 years before the communist party took power in 1949. 在中国共产党1949年执政前的200年里,中国的沿海城市吸引着国际商人、传教士和冒险家。
China's comparative advantage in international division of labor is mainly the cheap resources of land, technical workers and labor force, as well as rich raw materials and an industrial department with considerable foundation and quite complete categorie 中国在国际分工中的比较优势主要是廉价的土地、技术工人和劳动力、丰富的原材料以及具备一定基础、门类比较齐全的工业部门等。
China's concern was that the American missile defence system would lead to increasing use of space for military purposes and fuel an arms race. 中国担心的是,美国的导弹防御系统会导致太空更多地用于军事目的,并引起军备竞赛。
China's constitution provides that the citizens' freedom of person and their homes are inviolable. 我国宪法规定公民的人身自由和住宅不受侵犯。
China's consumer price index -- the main gauge of inflation and a key factor in determining the temperature of the economy -- rose 1.4 percent in the second quarter of the year compared with the same period in 2005. 中国的物价消费指数,衡量通货膨胀和经济是否过热的关键指数,与去年同期相比,在今年第二季度增加了1.4%。
China's copyright regime including Regulations for the Implementation of the Copyright Law and the Provisions on the Implementation of the International Copyright Treaty would be amended so as to ensure full consistency with China's obligations under the 中国的版权制度,包括《著作权法实施细则》和《实施国际著作权协定的规定》,将被修改,以保证完全符合中国在《TRIPS协定》项下的义务。
China's crude oil shipments tend to fluctuate significantly from month to month. 中国原油载运量每月都有显著的波动。
China's currency is the cheapest. 中国的货币是最便宜的。
China's current beer trademarks are mainly divided into three types: one is the ellipse resembling Qingdao beer trademark, the second is to stress local features like the Great Wall of Tianjin, Temple of Heaven of Beijing, Guilin landscape, etc. the major 我国现在啤标大约有三种类型:一是仿青岛啤酒的椭圆形;二是突出地方色彩的啤标,如天津的长城、北京的天坛、桂林山水等,多以名胜古迹、秀水灵川作为题材;三是合资浪潮下一些外国啤酒商标的使用。
China's current diplomacy conveys many more elements of the neo-internationalism, which has already facilitated the economic and social development in China, and also strengthened the legitimacy of Chinese political system. 中国外交已经呈现出越来越多的新国际主义内涵,促进了中国经济与社会的顺利发展,也有助于巩固中国政治的合法性基础。
China's curtain of repression is not lifting. 中国的言论压制并没有上升。

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