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The doctor concluded that the patient's disease was cancer.

The doctor carefully examined the woman's breasts, groping his fingers around and pressing repeatedly. 医生用他的手在妇人的胸部上摸摸,下摸摸,左搓搓,右揉揉。
The doctor carried out a post-mortem on the body. 那医生对尸体进行了剖验.
The doctor certified the prisoner insane. 医生证明该犯人精神异常。
The doctor checked her thoughtfully for a moment and told her his diagnosis, You have a broken finger. 医生仔仔细细地为她检查了一遍,然后告诉她他的诊断结果:“你的手指断了。
The doctor comes to see my mother every other day. 医生每隔一天来看我妈妈一次。
The doctor concluded that the patient's disease was cancer. 医生断定病人患的是癌症。
The doctor contemplated the difficult operation he had to perform. 医生细想他要进行的棘手的手术。
The doctor couldn't believe it. 医生简直不敢相信。
The doctor couldn't explain the persistence of the fever. 医生无法解释高烧何以持久不退。
The doctor cured him of cancer. 医生治愈了他的癌症。
The doctor cured me of my headache. 医生治好了我的头痛。

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