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Itch (Itchy) skin is a common problem.

Italy's captain, Fabio Cannavaro has, however, been just as important in establishing Italy's remarkably frugal defensive record – just one goal conceded, and an own goal at that – and the 32-year-old’s faultless marshalling of the Italian rearguard is su 不过意大利队队长法比奥·卡纳瓦罗在打造意大利的钢铁防守记录—仅丢1球并且是乌龙球—上同样重要,32岁老将对意大利后防完美的指挥无疑使他成为有力的竞争者。
Italy's opening and cautious spirits should be used for reference in China's Plea Bargaining system. 在这点上,意大利所持的开放精神和谨慎态度值得中国借鉴。
Italy, having weathered a storm of German attacks, began to create some half-chances of their own, the best of which saw Camoranesi head just over from an inviting, outswinging Andrea Pirlo free-kick. 第41分钟:在顶住了德国队暴风雨般的攻势之后,意大利队也开始创造出一些机会,其中最好的一次机会是卡莫拉内西接到皮尔洛的外旋弧线任意球后头球攻门高出。
Italy, which opposes a permanent seat for Germany, has dispatched a senior foreign ministry official to New York to lead a lobbying effort. 意大利反对德国取得常任理事国席位。意大利已经派遣一名高级外交官前往纽约领导游说活动。
Italy, who Brazil replaced in first place, are now in third, while World Cup runners-up France also drop two spots to fourth. 意大利,与巴西交换了位置,排在第3位,世界杯亚军法国也下跌两位排名第4。
Itch (Itchy) skin is a common problem. 皮肤搔痒是一种常见问题。
Itch skin is a common problem. 瘙痒是常见的问题。
Itchy skin is a common problem. 皮肤瘙痒是一种常见病。
Itchy skin is a common problem. Severe itching can interfere with sleep or lead to painful damage from scratching. 皮肤瘙痒是一个很普遍的问题.严重的瘙痒会打扰打人的睡眠或者是导致一个由于抓挠所导致的痛苦的损伤.
Itech Consulting - services include application development, internet/e-commerce enablement, as well as network design and implementation with particular focus on performance and security, specialize in Point-of-sales, POS. 伟华香港有限公司-提供个人电脑组合、商用伺服器、工作站、监控系统、网络接配工程;提供域名注册、网页设计、制作及寄存、内联网、外接内联网、互联网、电邮伺服器、宽频上网专线服务;设计及制作咭片、传单、海报。
Item 17. Ministry of Information Industry and Environmental Protection Administration establish the industrial standard for controlling poisonous and harmful substances or elements. 第十七条信息产业部商环保总局制定电子信息产品有毒、有害物质或元素控制行业标准。

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