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I've only broken my arm; other patients are far worse off than me.
我只是胳膊折了, 其他病人比我严重得多.

I've offered legislation to punish adults who recklessly let children have access to deadly weapons. 我已经出台了惩罚成年人鲁莽的让孩子接近致命武器的法案。
I've often had people say to me, “Is there anything they can do for your face so you can look normal? 经常有人对我说:“有没有办法能使你的脸变得看起来正常些?
I've often heard tell of such things. 我时常听人说起这类事情.
I've only a loaf of bread for my breakfast. 我的早餐只有一块面包.
I've only been on an airplane? once. 我只坐过一次飞机。
I've only broken my arm; other patients are far worse off than me. 我只是胳膊折了, 其他病人比我严重得多.
I've only come for an hour. 我来到这里仅仅一小时。
I've only got 10 to see me through until pay-day! 我只有10英镑, 要熬到发薪那天了!
I've only had a piecemeal account of what happened. 我对发生的事情只有支离破碎的了解.
I've only had time to dip into the report. 这份报告我只来得及略翻一下。
I've only had time to dip into the report. 这份报告我只来得及浏览了一遍.

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