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Near the end of her trip, a forceful wind blew away the majority of her supplies.

Near the bridge, the waters of the two stream mingle. 在桥的附近,两条溪流的水汇合了。
Near the cemetery, between the trees, there's something shining, perhaps bayonets. 墓地附近的树丛里有闪光的东西,可能是刺刀。
Near the center of the left image, two dry lake beds have been developed for salt extraction. 在左侧图像的中心是两个干湖床,用于晒盐。
Near the center of the typical chemical reaction, the particular atoms that are going to form the new bonds are not the only ones that jiggle around: so do all the atoms they are connected to and the ones connected to these in turn. 在典型的化学反应点附近,那些即将形成新键结的原子会动个不停,不只如此,与它们直接相连或间接相连的所有原子,也都没閒著。
Near the church is Sheshan astronomical observatory which has been changed into an astronomical museum. 这里曾经两次观测到哈累彗星,一个相当了不起的记录。
Near the end of her trip, a forceful wind blew away the majority of her supplies. 旅途接近尾声时,强风吹走了她大部份的补给品。
Near the end of the first orbit, Glenn reported a problem. 在即将飞完第一周轨道时,格伦报告说出现了一个问题。
Near the end of the holiday the community gathers for a feast and enjoys many original culinary dishes. 在假日快结束时,各个团队聚集在一起,举行盛宴,享受许多独特的美味。
Near the end of the park young Crossjay overtook him. 在园林的尽头附近,小克罗斯杰追上了他。
Near the end of the period, Han Duan outdribbled several defenders but her shot from six meters (yards) veered just out bounds. 上半场接近尾声时,韩端一连突破对方几个球员的防守,距离球门6米处劲射,但将球打出界外。
Near the end of the second book, after a terrifying encounter with Voldemort - his third, since Voldemort had tried to kill Harry, and succeeded in killing his parents, when Harry was a baby, and had confronted Harry again in the first book - he confesses 在第二本书的结尾处,在与伏地魔一次可怕的相遇之后——那是第三次了,算上他在婴儿时,伏地魔成功杀害了他的父母并试图杀死他,以及第一本书中他又一次对抗伏地魔——他向邓布利多吐露了自己的怀疑。

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