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Note that Giulianis and other arp. exercises are by their simplicity highly effective, and can therefore be the highway to carpal tunnel syndrome and fatigue.

Note pressure differential and enter flow rate chart at pressure differential noted. 注意所标注的压差和对应压差的进口流量表。
Note re o es and decisio on the Retro ective Pla ing Worksheet. 在“回顾计划工作表”中记录反馈意见和决议。
Note that W3popis listed twice in the result-set. 可以注意到在结果集中出现了两次。
Note that COMAP is in the USA Eastern time zone; all times given in these instructions are in terms of Eastern time. 注意:COMAP位于美国东部时区,本《指导》中所涉及的所有时间均指的是东部时间。
Note that Class expressions can be nested without requiring the creation of names for every intermediate class. 注意类表达式是可以嵌套的,它并不要求要为每一个中间类都提供一个名字。
Note that Giulianis and other arp. exercises are by their simplicity highly effective, and can therefore be the highway to carpal tunnel syndrome and fatigue. 要注意到尽管朱利尼亚的和其他一些琶音练习简单实用,但是容易导致手腕因疲劳而引起一些综合并发症。
Note that I am not proposing that AI research be ignored or less funded. 注意我并不是主张人工智能研究应该就此被忽略或减少研究基金。
Note that I am not saying that it is impossible to compute some digits of omega. 请注意,我并不是说计算Ω的某些位数不可能。
Note that I skipped writing tests at this point, since the functionality of these adapters are carefully tested in the following code. 注意我在这次没有编写测试,因为这些适配器的功能已经在下列代码中被仔细测试过了。
Note that I was the only one who got sick in that room and I was the only one who could smell the horrible odor. 请注意,我是在那间房子住过的人中唯一一个生病的,同时也是唯一一个能够闻到那股令人作呕气味的人。
Note that OP31 does not capitalize mountain trollin the U.K. edition, so the term should not be capitalized. 注意,在英国版的《凤凰社》第31章里巨怪并没有大写,所以这里也不应该大写。

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