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Based on the analyses of the diversity of shape and structure of tarsometatarsus of living birds and its corresponding function, we can study the shape and habit of birds in the early stages, at the same time can discuss the evolutive law of functional be

Based on the analyses of decision of irrigation schemes, the decision method is given based on GSG system that can optimize the irrigation schemes by Group Weights-Making, Single Fuzzy Evaluation and Group Decision-Making. 摘要在对灌溉方案决策特点进行分析的基础上,提出了基于GSG体系的灌溉方案决策方法,通过群定权、单人模糊评判和群决策的步骤,对拟定的灌溉方案进行优选。
Based on the analyses of dynamic deformation process of the soft failure roadway under high ground stress, process-monitoring stepwise supporting principle was put forward to maintain this kind of roadway, that is 1) making full use of the carrying capaci 基于该类巷道变形的动态阶段性特点,针对性地提出该类软岩巷道支护的过程监控分步支护的过程控制方法,即开巷初期充分发挥围岩自身的承载能力;适时采取围岩注浆加固,“保护与强化”围岩力学性能,提高围岩完整性;最后关键部位加强支护。
Based on the analyses of pollution characteristics of rural rivers,this paper discussed a series of countermeasures to control the pollution effectively,such as preplanning,attaching importance to these issues,bringing crowd into play,comprehensive regula 在对农村河流污染特点进行分析的基础上,对如何有效控制农村河流污染的措施进行了一定的探讨,提出规划在前、政府重视、发动群众、综合整治、循环利用、结合特点、区别对待、建立制度、长效管理的农村河流保护措施。
Based on the analyses of pricing process, cost determination philosophy and pricing method at each phase of engineering construction, this paper summarizes the experience of engineering cost control in three aspects: (1) design phase is a key phase of eng 文章在分析工程建设各个阶段计价过程以及各个阶段造价确定依据、定价方法的基础上,从3个方面总结了工程造价控制的经验:(1)设计阶段是工程造价控制的关键阶段;(2)技术与经济相结合是工程造价控制的最有效手段;(3)工程项目全过程的合同管理是工程造价控制的重要内容。
Based on the analyses of structural features, volcanic activities, sequence construction and so on, It is believed that Liaohe Basin has experienced the period of dextral transtensional stress field in Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous, Middle and Late Paleo 对构造现象、火山活动、层序充填型式等多种实际资料的分析表明:辽河盆地经历了侏罗纪末-白垩纪早期、古新世中后期、始新世中后期、中新世等右旋张扭应力场作用阶段,以及白垩纪晚期、古新世初期、始新世早中期、渐新世、上新世以来等左旋压旋应力场作用阶段。
Based on the analyses of the diversity of shape and structure of tarsometatarsus of living birds and its corresponding function, we can study the shape and habit of birds in the early stages, at the same time can discuss the evolutive law of functional be 特别是通过对现生鸟类跗跖骨形态结构多样性与对应功能的分析,可以此作为研究早期鸟类形态习性的参考依据,同时也可进一步探讨不同地质历史时期鸟类功能行为的演化规律。
Based on the analyses of the flow and sediment characteristics and evolution trend of the river bed of the Fuling reach in the Yangtze River before and after the impoundment of the Three Gorges Reservoir, the water level, velocity variation and influenced 摘要在分析长江涪陵段的水沙特性和三峡水库蓄水前后该河段河床演变趋势的基础上,运用二维水流数学模型,分析了4种流量组合情况下在三峡水库运用前和运用50年,涪陵港区码头修建前后的水位、流速变化及其影响范围。
Based on the analyses of the investment of nozzle tube net and relationship between the annual operation cost and tube diameter function of a fixed spray irrigation system, a mathematic model to calculate the economical tube diameter of a spray irrigation 摘要在分析了固定式喷灌系统的管网投资、年运行费用与管径函数关系的基础上,利用工程经济分析中费用最小化准则和非线性规划理论,建立了求解喷灌系统管网经济管径的数学模型,并给出了无约束条件直接求解经济管径的计算式。
Based on the analyses of the physical and mechanical properties of ore/rock and the behavior of ground stress field in the deep deposit of Fankou Lead-zinc Mine, the authors researched the unloading measures to prevent and control rock burst in mining the 根据凡口铅锌矿深部矿岩体的物理力学性质及地应力场特性,对凡口矿深部矿床开采的岩爆防治措施进行了研究,并应用三维弹塑性有限元程序对各种防治措施引起的应力分布进行了数值模拟分析,以期为凡口铅锌矿深部矿床开采的岩爆控制提供决策依据。
Based on the analyses of the problems mainly existing in public accumulation fund for housing construction loaning, this article tries to propose solutions to the problems in the three aspects, that is, expanding the source of public accumulation fund for 文章分析了我国住房公积金制度运行现状,基于我国实践和国际经验,从积极拓宽公积金资金来源、创新我国公积金运作模式、建立健全公积金风险防范体系等三个方面提出解决问题的对策。
Based on the analyses on the present situation of the energy and the biomass energy in China today,this paper points out the necessity and probability of developing the biomass energy strongly in China when the energy resource in short supply and environm 基于对我国能源现状和生物质能的分析,提出在能源紧缺和环境污染成为制约我国发展的重要问题的时候,我国大力发展生物质能的必要性与可能性。

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