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It is the urge to bring something about that defines the entrepreneur.

It is the unforeseen that always happen. 天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。
It is the unforeseen that always happens. 天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。
It is the universal promise of marriage. 幸福是婚姻的承诺。
It is the unshakable will of all the Chinese people to ultimately resolve the Taiwan question under the principle of “peaceful reunification, one country two systems” and accomplish the great cause of national reunification. 按照“和平统一、一国两制”方针最终解决台湾问题,完成祖国的统一大业,是全体中国人民不可动摇的意志。
It is the untiring pursuit of our company to offer the high-efficient , comfortable working living environment to you. 为您提供高效、舒适的工作生活环境是我公司不懈的追求。
It is the urge to bring something about that defines the entrepreneur. 企业家之所以称之为企业家,就在于企业家有创业的强烈欲望。
It is the very basis and the great heritage of the English people to this country, which we have maintained, that we insist on the strictest rules of credibility of witnesses and on the avoidance of hearsay, and that gossip shall be excluded, in the court 正是由于我们所保持的英国人民给予这个国家的基础和传统,我们坚决主张在法庭上对证人的可靠性应有最严格的规定,避免传闻证据,排除流言蜚语。
It is the very essence and fabric of the universe. 它是很基本的定义和宇宙的构造。
It is the very foundation of good citizenship. 教育是良好的个人品德表现的不折不扣基础。
It is the very fountainhead of Chinese poetry and also the earliest anthology of Chinese poems. 《诗经》是中国诗歌的源头,是中国的第一部诗歌总集。
It is the vigor at first, an outstanding person must be full of vigor; Secondly it is he that must let his whole group feel inspired and stands up actively ; The third equivocal, others ask him in the issue , say perhaps and only say 'yes' or deny ; Four 首先是活力,一个优秀的人必须要充满活力;其次是他必须要让他的整个团队感到振奋并积极起来;第三是不模棱两可,别人问他问题的时候,不说“也许”而只说“是”或者“否”;第四是执行,不但要提出自己的工作目标,而且要把自己的承诺加以兑现。

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