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Spirit:Unremittingly persuit,continally exceed.

Spirit Speaks - Expansive description of out of body experiences and lucid dreaming. 讲精神膨胀描述出体经验和明晰的梦想.
Spirit Walker - Tauren caster who can shift between the corporeal and spirit worlds. Can cast Spirit Link, Disenchant, and Ancestral Spirit. 灵魂行者-可以在肉体状态和灵魂状态之间变换的牛头人法师.可以使用灵魂链接,清醒,和先古之魂.
Spirit laxes in the morning: After breakfast before lunch, eating a small amount of banana can keep the blood sugar level. 早上无精打彩:早餐后午饭前,吃少量香蕉可保持血糖水平。
Spirit of Tieru: If I could be specific I'd give you a map. I have certain handicaps-I’m dead. What do you expect? 蒂耶鲁的灵魂:如果我还能说得再具体点,就会给你一张地图了。我本身就有一些缺陷,比如-我已经死了。你还能期待什么?
Spirit uncovered another batch unexpectedly last month while rolling toward its winter hibernation location on McCool Hill. 上个月当精神号向位于麦库尔山的过冬地点进发时,意外地发现了另一处明亮土壤。
Spirit:Unremittingly persuit,continally exceed. 精神:执着追求,不断超越。
Spirited; lively; gay. 活泼的,轻快的;愉快的
Spirits labelled 95 proof contain only about 47 per cent alcohol. 强度标为95的酒中含有47%的酒精。
Spiritual Attunement (66): Gives the Paladin mana when healed by other friendly targets. The amount of mana gained is equal to 10% of the amount healed. 精神协调(66):使圣骑士受到其他友方目标治疗时,恢复所受治疗量10%的法力。
Spiritual Paralysis, I say, nothing left but a mechanical life, was the characteristic of that century. 真是精神上的麻痹,容我不客气地说,过著机械般的生活,其他一无所有,这就是我们这世纪的特色。
Spiritual cleansing begins when the mind is in accord with His spirit. 当意识与圣灵保持一致时,灵魂的净化就开始了。

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