The tumor growth rate and the transfer of the proliferation of channels depending on the tumor histological type, degree of differentiation, and other biological characteristics.
癌肿的生长速度和转移扩散途径取决于癌肿的组织学类型、分化程度等生物学特性。 |
The tumor is classified into four subtypes: embryonal, botryoid, alveolar, and pleomorphic.
其病理型多属于胚胎型或肺泡型。 |
The tumor is composed of compact cells arranged in nests and cords.
肿瘤是由排列呈巢状、束状致密细胞构成。 |
The tumor is composed of magnocellular uveal nevus cells, and is classically asymptomatic unless the tumor becomes very large or some complications nave taken place.
除非已变得很大或有某些并发症之发生,该肿瘤通常不会造成任何症状,因而通常是在例行检查中被发现。 |
The tumor is composed of small, uniform, round acini and tubular structures separated by scant stroma. The lining epithelial cells are uniform with hyperchromatic nuclei and hae scant cytoplasm.
肿瘤的胞核小而圆,大小一致,形成管状结构,与周围少量的间质分隔开。瘤细胞大小均匀,核深染,胞浆少。 |
The tumor is firm and tan-white.
肿物质硬色黄白。 |
The tumor is moderately differentiated with formation of abundant keratin pearls.
肿瘤呈中度分化,有大量角蛋白珠形成。 |
The tumor is sharply demarcated from the surrounding renal parenchyma as can be seen in this low power scan of the glass slide.
低倍镜下可见肿瘤与周围肾实质之间有着明确的分界线。 |
The tumor is usually noticed when compression symptoms occur, or when it is accidentally found on the chest X-ray.
纵隔淋巴管瘤主要是在胸部X光检查时意外发现,或发生压迫症状时才被发现。 |
The tumor regressed gradually and was not detectable by sonography at 33 months of age.
肿瘤在治疗过程中不再增大,从五个月大起逐渐变小,至三十三个月大时完全消失。 |
The tumor seen here has caused obstruction of the main bronchus to left lung so that the distal lung is collapsed.
图示肿瘤导致左主支气管阻塞,因此远端肺组织塌陷。 |