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The Jewish leaders hated Jesus so much that they crucified him.

The Jetta dropped 46 per cent. 捷达下降了46%。”
The Jewish Communal Fund - Provides donors the opportunity to simplify their charitable giving and maximize tax savings through the use of donor-advised funds. 犹太社区基金提供捐助的机会,以简化他们的慈善事业,并最大限度地节税通过使用捐助资金的忠告.
The Jewish Passover Feast was near. 4那时犹太人的逾越节近了。
The Jewish is a peace-loving nation, so it is believed that the irrational factors in the Zionism will be overcome so that a peace approach can be eventually completed in the Middle East. 犹太民族是爱好和平的民族,相信它能够战胜犹太复国主义中的非理性成分,使中东走向全面和平。
The Jewish is, indeed , a nation sui generis, the only nation we know of whose records are coetaneous with their primitive origin. 犹太人诚然是自成一格的独特民族,而且是我们所知道的唯一的民族,其史迹与其原始的来源属于同一年代。
The Jewish leaders hated Jesus so much that they crucified him. 犹太人的领袖非常憎恨耶稣,他们才钉死他。
The Jewish nation is scattered around the world. 犹太民族散居於世界各地.
The Jewish nation is scattered around the world. 犹太民族散居于世界各地.
The Jewish people have observed Kosher law for over 3000 years. 犹太人民遵从洁食律法已经有3000多年了。
The Jewish woman turned pale, and asked the exact date. 犹太女人脸色苍白,问那件事发生的准确日期。
The Jews answered Him, For a good work we do not stone You, but for blasphemy; and because You, being a man, make Yourself out to be God. 约10:33犹太人回答说、我们不是为善事拿石头打你、是为你说僭妄的话.又为你是个人、反将自己当作神。

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