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“The Grand Challenge is still a challenge; it is still out there,” Whittaker reminded his team after they all returned to Pittsburgh.

“The Development of Taiwan's Electronics Industry”, Industrial Policy, Innovation and Economic Growth: The Experience of Japan and the Asian NIEs, Poh-Kam Wong and Chee-Yuen Ng (eds.), 245-282, Singapore: Singapore University Press, 2001 (with Tain-Jy Che 「台湾人造纤维的发展与特色:一个迎头赶上的过程」,经济成长所得分配与制度演化,页149-187,曹添旺、赖景昌、杨建成主编,台北:中央研究院人文及社会科学研究所,民国88年(与徐美合著)。
“The Distribution of Public Resources and the Structure of Educational Investment”, in Caifang ed. Green Book of Chinese Population, Social Sciences Academic Press, 2005. “公共资源分配与教育投入结构”,载蔡昉主编,2004年《人口绿皮书》,社会科学文献出版社2004年版。
“The Dynamic Relationship between Stock Prices and Exchange Rates and the Spillovers Effect—A DCC Analysis” (with S.-C. Doong), Financial Management Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA, October, 2004. 「机构投资人的投资动能对股票市场报酬及波动性的影响」(与陈升鸿合著),2005现代财务论坛学术研讨会(中兴大学与东海大学主办),台湾台中,2005年4月。
“The ER1 is the must-have robot for anyone interested in real robotics (not just toys). “ER1是所有喜欢有真正机器人爱好者必须拥有的机器人,它不仅仅是一个玩具。
“The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion”, a role-playing game released in March, also includes strikingly lifelike physics. 3月份发行的一款角色扮演游戏“上古卷轴4:湮没”也包含了相当逼真的物理效果。
“The Grand Challenge is still a challenge; it is still out there,” Whittaker reminded his team after they all returned to Pittsburgh. 在全体队员回到匹兹堡之后,惠塔克提醒他们:「大挑战仍然是一场挑战,它仍然在那里等著我们。」
“The Harris collection of maps will, in the long run, cause and even more fundamental and agonizing reappraisal of American history than my book has.” Gavin Menzies, author of best seller, 1421 The Year China Discovered America. 中国发现世界》的作者,英国人,加文.孟席斯评价说,该书中的古地图会比其1421对美洲历史带来更根本性的**.
“The Hazaras have now bought a lot of sheep and goats. “哈拉加人新搞来了很多绵羊和山羊,这是一个新出现的现象。”
“The Honorable Mrs. Jamieson . . . was fat and inert, and very much at the mercy of her old servants” (Elizabeth C. Gaskell). “高贵的贾米逊夫人…身材肥胖,行动迟钝,非常需要她的老仆人们的帮助(伊丽莎白·C·盖斯凯尔)。
“The ISA Server requires authorization to fulfill the request. Access to the Web Proxy service is denied. 你们用的ISA防火墙的,提示的很清楚。没有访问代理服务器的权限。
“The Immigration and Naturalization Act” of 1965 abolishes restrictive quotas based on race and nationality. 1965“移民归化法”取消了根据种族和国籍限制移民配额的做法。

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